Zoeytron's Reviews > The Need

The Need by Helen          Phillips
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: public-library

I don't have kids, and am not particularly enamored of books that are full of kid stuff.  The snuffling, the sticky hands, the tantrums, the whining.  These things are not endearing to me.  But it was the continual mentions of breast feeding and everything associated with it that absolutely wore me thin.  The leaking, the aching, the pumping, the feeling of the milk coming down. . . please God, let it be over soon.  Blerg!  I swallowed my distaste and kept reading because of a couple of crazy good ideas (view spoiler), but it just wasn't enough to save the book for me.
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Reading Progress

July 29, 2019 – Started Reading
July 29, 2019 – Shelved
July 29, 2019 – Shelved as: public-library
August 1, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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message 1: by Julie (new)

Julie Sorry this one didn't work for you. I've seen a few mixed reviews for this one. Hope your next book is a much better fit! 💖

message 2: by Fran (new)

Fran Disappointing...sorry it did not work fro you, Zoeytron. Onward to your next great read!

Zoeytron Julie wrote: "Sorry this one didn't work for you. I've seen a few mixed reviews for this one. Hope your next book is a much better fit! 💖"

Same here, Julie. I suspect this is going to turn out to be a love it or loathe it type of read.

Zoeytron Fran wrote: "Disappointing...sorry it did not work fro you, Zoeytron. Onward to your next great read!"

Much appreciated, Fran.

message 5: by JanB (new) - added it

JanB I agree 100% People could play a drinking game with all the leaking and pumping references on every page.

I DNF’d this one and happy I did. Strange book!

message 6: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Sounds like TMI!

Zoeytron JanB wrote: "I agree 100% People could play a drinking game with all the leaking and pumping references on every page.

I DNF’d this one and happy I did. Strange book!"

No kidding! I've truly never seen anything like it, JanB. And I was expecting it after reading your review and one or two others. Still ended up astonished that the whole book was drenched in it. I shall label it sour milk. Ha!

Zoeytron Caroline wrote: "Sounds like TMI!"

You're right, it was the very epitome of TMI. Some things are better left in a more private sector. Thanks, Caroline!

message 9: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Oh no, no, no...it's coming off of the list, but thanks for the new word/sound...blerg!!!

Zoeytron Victoria wrote: "Oh no, no, no...it's coming off of the list, but thanks for the new word/sound...blerg!!!"

You're welcome, Victoria. Ha! I poached that off a buddy of mine at work. She was a star when it came to word/sounds.

Kelli I have kids but I completely mirror your feelings about this book. 2 stars from me, too. Over the top metaphorical.

Zoeytron Kelli wrote: "I have kids but I completely mirror your feelings about this book. 2 stars from me, too. Over the top metaphorical."

Thank you, Kelli. I appreciate that.

message 13: by Jane (new) - rated it 1 star

Jane Pointless.

Zoeytron Jane wrote: "Pointless."

The good thing about such a disappointing read is that we are almost guaranteed our next one will be better. Onto the next! Thanks for commenting, Jane.

message 15: by Karl (new)

Karl -- What famous person once said that "the only guarantees are death and taxes ? Why Benjamin Franklin that's who in 1789 --

Zoeytron Karl wrote: "-- What famous person once said that "the only guarantees are death and taxes ? Why Benjamin Franklin that's who in 1789 --"

True enough. Beyond wise.

Zoeytron Elyse wrote: "I soooo agree. I listened to about an hour of the Audiobook- it became nails on a chalkboard grating.... and I never finished it."

Ah, good for you, girl! I was soured on the whole idea before all was said and done. ;-)

message 18: by Beverly (new)

Beverly Urgh! Just reading your description makes me cringe Zoeytron!

Zoeytron Beverly wrote: "Urgh! Just reading your description makes me cringe Zoeytron!"

Understandable, Beverly. Blech!

Diana Hsu Why would you read a book about a woman with two young children? And "some things should be private"? This is a novel, it's all about the things that are normally private. Characters held at arm's length don't make a good novels. Sounds like you just have some personal hangups about the topic, which is fine, but the specific complaints are silly.

Zoeytron Diana wrote: "Why would you read a book about a woman with two young children? And "some things should be private"? This is a novel, it's all about the things that are normally private. Characters held at arm's ..."

Differing opinions are what makes the world go round. I appreciate your take on it, thank you for commenting.

Rebekah You’ll understand if you ever nurse a child. For those of us that know, it added a lot to the depth of the character.

Zoeytron Rebekah wrote: "You’ll understand if you ever nurse a child. For those of us that know, it added a lot to the depth of the character."

I'm glad that you enjoyed it more than I did, Rebekah, and respect your standing on the subject. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Scott Fisher It's like watching a western and being disappointed by the presence of cowboys and "Indians". The story revolves around parenting. Breastfeeding intimacy is key to the struggle. It wasn't incidental or gratuitous, it was a deliberate motif.

Zoeytron Scott wrote: "It's like watching a western and being disappointed by the presence of cowboys and "Indians". The story revolves around parenting. Breastfeeding intimacy is key to the struggle. It wasn't incidenta..."

Point well made. It was a poor choice on my part. Thank you for reading and commenting.

Scott Fisher Zoeytron wrote: "Scott wrote: "It's like watching a western and being disappointed by the presence of cowboys and "Indians". The story revolves around parenting. Breastfeeding intimacy is key to the struggle. It wa..."
Thanks for the polite reply. The information superhighway is a rancorous place. Your responses have been very reasonable.

Zoeytron Scott wrote: "Zoeytron wrote: "Scott wrote: "It's like watching a western and being disappointed by the presence of cowboys and "Indians". The story revolves around parenting. Breastfeeding intimacy is key to th..."

I appreciate that, Scott. Thank you.

Heather I agree. I DNFed this one and am glad I did.

Zoeytron Heather wrote: "I agree. I DNFed this one and am glad I did."

Good for you, Heather. It simply makes more sense to spend your reading time on something you are enjoying. Thanks!

Angie Glad it wasn't just me. I generally liked the book but the repeated "Her milk came down," and all those other references wore on me. It started to remind me of those militant breastfeeding moms who have those weird protests in public places because a business owner asked one woman to please cover up a little bit in their store.

Zoeytron Angie wrote: "Glad it wasn't just me. I generally liked the book but the repeated "Her milk came down," and all those other references wore on me. It started to remind me of those militant breastfeeding moms who..."

No, not just you. There is a host of others that agree with us, even though several took issue. But that's okay. Live and let live. Thanks for reading and commenting, Angie.

Jyvur Entropy I'm with you. This writer decided milk would be the motif of her book and was so impressed by how edgy a motif it was, that Molly's tits have to leak or ache every other page. It's like...yup...we get it...mother's...breast milk...the symbolism ain't subtle

Zoeytron Jyvur wrote: "I'm with you. This writer decided milk would be the motif of her book and was so impressed by how edgy a motif it was, that Molly's tits have to leak or ache every other page. It's like...yup...we ..."

Thank you, Jyvur.

message 34: by Jen (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jen THANK YOU! Came here wondering if the constant and unnecessary descriptions of breast feeding was off-putting for anyone else. I can understand if it was relevant to the story being told, but in this case it wasn't. I kept muttering "wtf" to myself. Truly bizarre!

Zoeytron Jen wrote: "THANK YOU! Came here wondering if the constant and unnecessary descriptions of breast feeding was off-putting for anyone else. I can understand if it was relevant to the story being told, but in th..."

Many thanks, Jen!

message 36: by Carol (new)

Carol Just now caught your review Zoey (only a year old)........Sure doesn't sound like one I'd be interested in. Many marked this as horror? Great review!

Zoeytron Carol wrote: "Just now caught your review Zoey (only a year old)........Sure doesn't sound like one I'd be interested in. Many marked this as horror? Great review!"

Thanks, Carol. And I agree, I can't even imagine you would want to stomach this. Run!

message 38: by Carol (new)

Carol Zoeytron wrote: "Carol wrote: "Just now caught your review Zoey (only a year old)........Sure doesn't sound like one I'd be interested in. Many marked this as horror? Great review!"

Thanks, Carol. And I agree, I c..."

HAHAHAHAHA! Deleted! 🤪

message 39: by D F (new) - added it

D F Black I'm about 15 pages in and sick of all the milk stuff *shudders* some stuff is just unnecessary in a book. Sad to hear it's a theme going forward.

Zoeytron D F wrote: "I'm about 15 pages in and sick of all the milk stuff *shudders* some stuff is just unnecessary in a book. Sad to hear it's a theme going forward."

I hear you loud and clear, D F. Whether you dump it or finish it, good luck to you. And trust your next read will be better. Thank you for reading and commenting.

Jaimie Yes, it was the neverending descriptions of breastfeeding that turned me off of this book, too. I wish she had done more with the whole idea about the Pit. It was such an intriguing premise that didn't seem to really go anywhere substantial.

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