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CBP Discloses Plans for Professional Workforce Support Services IDIQ Contract

The Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection intends to conduct a competition for an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to procure professional workforce support services.

CBP anticipates the release of a solicitation for the proposed IDIQ contract by May 7 and plans to compete the requirement as a small business set-aside program, according to a notice published Thursday on the Acquisition Planning Forecast System.

Support services include the development of strategic workforce plans; identification of gaps in the current and future workforce; and provision of consulting support and data-driven recommendations concerning resource planning, financial management, budgeting and mission execution activities.

The contractor will provide personnel, knowledge and technical expertise in areas related to business transformation, data analytics, workforce optimization, program evaluation, operations research and other human capital management concepts.

The planned contract has an estimated value of between $50 million and $100 million and is expected to be awarded by the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024.

Work will be performed in Washington, D.C., with an expected completion date of Aug. 31, 2029, according to APFS.

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