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The best Black Mirror episodes of all time

Read, revisit, then maybe pop your smartphone on airplane mode for a while Black Mirror first thundered onto our screens in 2011, before Cambridge Analytica, before fake news, before elections begun to be derailed by algorithms. Since then, the corrosive potential of technology explored in Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones’ prescient sci-fi anthology series has gone from fantasy to dark reality. The arrival of season five yesterday on Netflix, coincides with newspaper stories that could once have been the basis of Black Mirror tales: facial recognition-assisted policing, YouTube Nazi uprisings, the list goes on. From humble beginnings on Channel 4, the show’s become a burgeoning international sensation, a fact reflected by its bigger budgets and glitzier casts each season (Miley Cyrus, The Avengers’ Anthony Mackie and Fleabag “hot priest” Andrew Scott are just a few of the stars of this latest outing). But what are its standout episodes, the stories that tapped deepest into our troubling (and sometimes tender) relationship with the digital devices we can’t stop swiping on? Here are our favourite seven episodes so far – read, revisit, then maybe pop your smartphone on airplane mode for a while.