
Murder Inc makes Friday night drinks feel like an illicit affair

Midcentury glamour goes gangster at Fitzrovia's killer new hangout, where prices are far from criminal
Image may contain Furniture Pub Bar Counter Bar Stool and Chair

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a rigorously themed bar can only be either totally brilliant or utterly insufferable. Fortunately, Murder Inc – named after the organised crime networks of the 1940s – falls into the former category, with a gangster theme that really does make Friday-night drinks feel like a deliciously illicit affair.

The basement bar has proper speakeasy dive vibes, with a mysterious entrance, low ceiling, miscellaneous knick-knacks, plus images of tough guys and criminals lining the walls. The drinks are a steal (£8-10), with a “Freeloader” (happy hour) list that promises Negronis and more for £6 until 7pm daily (except Sunday, when the bar is closed).

The normal menu (or “hit list”?) features drinks that are as experimental yet delectably refined as you’d expect from the team behind Shoreditch’s Cocktail Trading Company (see: Death In The Afternoon, a mix of Pernod Absinthe, ginger and agave sherbert and Champagne, clear at the bottom and ink-blue at the top).

Accompanying the drinks are photos of unidentified toerags, as well as the “Rules Of The House”. In short, as long as you tip, don’t stick gum under the tables and avoid brawling after 10.30pm, then, it says, you can pretty much get away with murder.

36 Hanway Street, London W1. 020 7427 6097.

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