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UFC’s Paddy Pimblett Answers Your Questions

UFC’s Paddy ‘The Baddy’ Pimblett joins British GQ in Actually Me, as he goes online to answer the internet’s questions. The English MMA star responds to questions from Twitter, Reddit & Quora as well as replying to YouTube & Instagram comments. Paddy Pimblett reveals which celebrity he’d choose to fight outside of the UFC: "Me and Elon [Musk] are beating Mark Zuckerberg up, aren’t we? Know what I’m sayin’. I’ll be there in Elon’s corner, so we can muff the Zuck." Watch the full episode as Paddy The Baddy goes undercover with British GQ in Actually Me.

Released on 12/12/2023


Hi, I'm Paddy Pimblett

and I'm gonna go undercover on the internet.

It's Actually Me. [bright music]

[keyboard clacking]

Let's see some YouTube comments.

This one always makes me laugh.

What does Cody Garbrandt mean

when he says Paddy is a sorcerer?

I actually bumped into Cody in Vegas, in December

and he mentioned it to me and we both had a laugh about it.

Where I'm from, in Liverpool, Merseyside,

we get called Scousers

and obviously with my accent being so different

to the American accent,

he's thought when I've said in my post-fight interview,

We're scousers, we don't get knocked out.

He must have thought that I said, We're sorcerers,

we don't get knocked out.

So he call me a sorcerer on a podcast

and it's been a meme forever, ever since.

And it always tickles me

and it also tickles Cody, so it makes it even funnier.

Next question.

I am 16 and all the MMA courses

around me are too expensive.

How do I train MMA?

Where about in the country are you, lad?

Let us know. I'll be able to send the gym over to you,

what's local to you, what's not too bad.

In our gym, in Next Generation,

we offer a two week free trial to people that wanna come in

and see what classes they like and stuff like that.

So I'd always recommend that you try

and find the gym what would give you

at least like a week free trial, see if you enjoy it,

and then obviously you can make your mind up

whether you wanna continue going there.

It makes me think also of when I was younger,

'cause as you said, I'm 16 and everything's too expensive.

I started saying when I was 15.

My mum and dad couldn't afford

to give me money for my training either.

So I paid for it all myself.

I'd sell Lucozades and chocolate bars and crisps in school

and then I'd use that, the profits from that money

to pay me 60 pound a month for Next Gen.

You know, I mightn't have even been doing MMA now,

if I weren't a little bit of an entrepreneur.

[button clicks]

Sorry I was late to the party.

My brother would just like to ask,

how do you conduct yourself in moments of fear?

You are extremely confident in that aspect, in my opinion.

That's something I struggle with.

I just want for me to be me.

Even when I train in the gym,

I know there is others that can do more,

but I don't want that to stop me from going to the gym.

Lad, you've always got to believe in yourself.

I think that's my biggest asset,

more than any physical attribute I've got

or that I'm good at jiu-jitsu or wrestling or striking.

It's the fact that I'm believing

myself more than anyone else.

Every single fight or moment I go into

where I need to bring something out of me,

that's the mindset I use. [keyboard clacking]


Paddy, food or MMA? You can only choose one.

Very good question,

but I'm saying MMA, lad.

As you can see at the minute, I'm not too fat.

I'm walking round at a nice weight.

All's I can think about is fighting.

Because of that reason I'm not overindulging in food.

Cheat meal in Liverpool,

we love salt and pepper chicken, lad.

Like salt and pepper chicken is one of our go-tos,

like salt and pepper chicken wings,

or salt and pepper chicken pieces with fried rice and chips.

Barbecue sauce on top.


[keyboard clacking] Instagram.

[bright music]

Dan Redmond says, So that's my question.

Have you learned to not give a bollocks

what people think of you?

It's an art, really.

Yeah, especially when you get put in a position

like I get put in myself

where stuff gets put on social media, stuff on YouTube,

stuff's everywhere of me,

so everyone's entitled to say what they like about you.

So yeah, I don't give a flying F

what anyone thinks about me.

I'm me. If you don't like it, leg it.


So this next one is an Instagram picture

of me and Mike Tyson, and it says, Did you try his weed?

Of course.

We went in the back after and smoked a blunt together.

He's a cool dude.

Mike spoke to me about a few different things, obviously,

and one of the main things he said to me is,

Don't let people take advantage of you.

Like what happened to him in his fighting career.

You know what I mean? That was something that he said to me

that I won't ever forget.

Don't let anyone take advantage of you.

You are the one what's earning the money. No one else.

[button clicks]

Next picture here is me and Laura in the Colosseum

when we went to Rome.

You reckon you'd have been in there against a tiger or two

back in the day, la?

Yeah, I do. I said this when we was in there.

We was looking down at like the Colosseum, saying,

It's funny 'cause 2000 years ago,

probably would've been in here fighting with someone else

or trying to kill a tiger, [tiger roars]

or getting an elephant set on me or something.

[elephant trumpets] [button clicks]

Picture of me and Bruce Buffer.

Did you say please when you asked for this photo?

Of course. I expected it anyway but I'll be honest.

I was 16. It looks funny

looking back at that picture now, like.

I'm 16 years of age there, stood with Bruce Buffer

where I've asked him for a picture.

He's now announcing me out when I fight.

Quite surreal really.

Next. [button clicks]

[bright music] Quora? What's Quora?

I've never even heard of that.

Why do some people from and born in Liverpool

say they are not English?

The reason that gets said, Scouse not English,

we're just a completely different

type of people to be honest.

The people that are from Liverpool,

Scousers are more Irish than English.

I'd say that. But it is, it comes from years ago,

stuff like the Hillsborough disaster,

and before that, the government tried to

put our city into a managed decline.

They'd literally written a letter saying,

Let's put this city in a managed decline,

we don't want it to be there no more.

They don't listen to us so let's run it into the ground.

And then obviously years later,

the Hillsborough disaster happened

with Liverpool Football Club and 97 of our fans died,

and the government tried to pin it on our fans

and said it was our fans' fault when it wasn't.

It was the police's fault, bad organization.

It was their fault 97 people died.

No one's still ever been convicted over that.

People still to this day sing murderers at us

every week when I go to watch Liverpool.

So that's one of the main reasons why I say it.

[button clicks]

If you could fight any celebrity,

which one would you choose?

If I could choose any celebrity to fight,

me and Elon are beating Mark Zuckerberg up, aren't we?

You know what I'm saying?

I'll be there in Elon's corner,

so we can muff the Zuck.


Why is it normal to see undefeated boxing records

but not on UFC?

Because we don't get protected all the way through.

For years with boxing, people say,

Oh he'll beat him, he'll beat him, he'll beat him.

And they don't fight for years.

Where in the UFC,

if you say, he'll beat him, he'll beat him.

Dana will just go Boom, yous are fighting.

And they do the fights that people wanna see.

That's why boxing's half dying out, I think, to be honest.

'Cause, you know, you've got Tyson Fury

fighting Francis Ngannou instead of fighting Usyk

and unifying the Heavyweight Division.

You wouldn't see that in the UFC, lad.

Just that simple. The best fight the best.


Reddit. That's one I've heard of.

I've heard of Reddit.

[bright music]

What would be a fair pay for UFC fighters?

Paddy Pimblett says he makes more money outside of the UFC.

Yeah, think a lot of people probably do

make a lot more money outside the UFC.

I make more money outside the UFC

'cause of me sponsors and stuff like that.

But in the UFC you get paid what you're worth.

Yous always see people's giving Dana grief

and giving people grief and stuff like that.

You get paid what you're worth.

I got a nice payday for my last fight,

'cause I'm worth it.

[keyboard clacking] All these crabs in the UFC

who are getting 12 and 12,

you are obviously not worth it.

Work a bit harder, show a bit of personality.

[button clicks]

[bright music] Let's check Twitter.

Paddy Pimblett using his stage to preach

eliminating the stigma around men's mental health.

How can you not love this guy?

I wish everyone loved me. [laughs]

I'm a bit of a polarizing figure to be honest.

You either either love me or you hate me.

That's the way it's been lately.

But everyone always mentions this to me.

What I said about with men's mental health,

that's just me speaking from the heart.

I hate it when I see stuff online,

Oh he's using that again.

It's nothing to do with that.

I say it because I've struggled with it myself.

I know if I can struggle with it

then anyone who's got a nine to five

or who's got a trade or anything like that,

they're gonna struggle with it.

It's called being human,

wanting people to be nice to each other.

But yeah, if yous wanna know anything more about

what I'm trying to do to help the side of mental health,

obviously go and check the Baddy Foundation.

One place I do tell people to go to,

especially young men in the UK,

'cause there's a couple of these centers now in the UK,

is James' Place, which is a place for young men

to go on to speak to people,

they won't just fob you off

and say we've got no appointments,

they'll get you fitted in

with an appointment within two weeks.

I've sent several men there who've messaged me

and DM'd me on social media,

and they're now messaging me after it

saying they're in such a better place

and they can't thank me enough.

So James' Place, get there.

[button clicks]

@PaddyPimblett Has Drake ever been in touch

after the Rolex?

Nah, don't think he has.

I don't think I've spoke to him since, to be honest.

That Rolex is still just there sitting in the box.

I've never wore it. Not my style of Rolex.

As we've just been talking about the Baddy Foundation,

that is what that watch is gonna go to.

The watch what Drake bought me

is going to get auctioned off for my charity.

If you wanna buy that watch

what Drake bought Paddy the Baddy,

keep an eye out the next couple of months

'cause that will be getting auctioned

so funds can go to me charity.

The reason we got the Rolex is when we won in July,

me and Molly, we both won.

Drake was the DM'ing, I think it was Molly.

Molly just said, You're getting us

a Rolex then or something? And he said Yeah,

and then literally when I was in the States

a couple of months later, we was just watching a UFC

and we were watching Edwards vs Usman actually,

when Edwards knocked Usman clean out,

some woman just walked in with a pair of white gloves on

and had a Rolex box, handed me a Rolex.

It's like, You're sound, you girl. [laughs]

Did Paddy the Baddy ever

squash the beef with Ariel Helwani?

No, never.

[keyboard clacking] Probably never will.

He's a piece of shit.

I'm probably the worst person to ask

about how to deal with conflicts in life, lad.

'Cause I just hit them head on.

I just start arguing, especially when someone starts it.

I can't help it.

Yous saw that when I bounced that hand sanitizer

off that little mushroom's head.

He started it. I finished it.

[button clicks]

Thank you very much for watching.

[bright music]

Starring: Paddy Pimblett
