America's online directory of gun and knife shows.
We offer the service of digital advertising for promoters to get the word out about their upcoming shows and related businesses to promote their products.
GunShows-USA is the first Website of its kind.
It’s been around since the early stone ages, the 2000s
The need for advertising gun and knife shows to attract the attention of vendors everywhere was born when
now retired vendor, Earl Kurburski, came up with the idea of creating a Website for listing gun and knife shows.
Events acceptable for listing on GunShows-USA are considered as the following:
Gun shows | Knife shows | Militaria shows | Antique weapons collectors shows | Prepper shows
For table information, please contact the promoters in your area
All listings include each promoter’s contact information.
GunShows-USA cannot verify dates unless the promoters specify them with their listings
GunShows-USA does not keep records of which shows are the largest.
Table counts *may vary. *Will vary due to COVID-19.
Please view the events’ listed details for table counts.
If the table count is not included, please contact the promoter.
Promoter contact information is posted with each listing.