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Help with family room please!

12 years ago
I'm all 'ideaed' out! I have a very small family room that I am redoing. The floor will be finished with hardwood and I think I'm going grey for the wall color. I have placed the couch and 2 chairs and TV in every position and this placemetn seems to give the room the most open feel. Now I am having difficulty with trying to decorate the wall above the couch/chair and near the TV. I am standing in front of a half wall that breaks this room from the kitchen. There eventually will be a barheight counter on this half wall to sit and eat & watch TV from the kitchen side of the room.

Appreciate everyone's thoughts!

Comments (32)

  • 12 years ago
    Hi, rschuler. The high backs on the chairs somewhat dwarf the sofa. To make this less noticeable, consider putting some distance between the sofa and chair. Moving the chairs in front of the window with the side table between them will disguise the differing heights.

    On the sofa wall adding a canvas, art grouping or floating shelf so that the bottom is the same height as the chair backs will visually "heighten" the sofa. You may want to consider a longer and lower media console so that the top of TV is the same height as the chairs. Something like this one from Crate and barrel might work.

    Nice room and furnishings - it'll be perfect with the new floors and a few tweaks.
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    Hi rschuler. I think the TV would be better where the sofa is now. If you are going to eventually want to watch TV from the kitchen then it would be nice to look at it straight on. I'm sorry to say the chairs in the picture are the wrong scale for this room. You can try them in every position, they won't look right. I suggest you switch out these chairs for additional seating that is the same height as the sofa. I think there should be one chair in the right hand corner or right of TV in new position. The sofa should be placed in front of the TV, with the back of the sofa facing the kitchen. You could probably fit in another chair to the left of the sofa or against the window. Scale is very important here. Hope that helps. Charmean Neithart
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    last modified: 12 years ago
    Hi rschuler, I would have the 2 chairs against the back wall perpendicular to the TV, and a new larger scaled couch in front of the window.
  • 12 years ago
    I agree that the couch and the chairs are out of scale and that the console is a bit high. You could try the different furniture arrangements recommend and see if one works for you.
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    Keeping the TV on the sofa wall is a good idea its viewed from the whole room. I would angle the chairs in front of the window (loose the glass table and use the square side table between them) I can not tell floor space from your picture but maybe you could angle the sofa at the entrance wall in the area where the TV was. You then have a clear view from the kitchen and an easy entrance to your seating.
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    Keeping the TV on the sofa wall is a good idea its viewed from the whole room. I would angle the chairs in front of the window (loose the glass table and use the square side table between them) I can not tell floor space from your picture but maybe you could angle the sofa at the entrance wall in the area where the TV was. You then have a clear view from the kitchen and an easy entrance to your seating. On that old TV wall you could do a mirror to bounce light in from your front window and some pictures to add to your family room. I like the teal color you have accented with I would add that to make your room pop.
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    What is the overall length of the room? Good suggestion to move the tv to the sofa wall, but is there really enough length in this room to have the sofa face it? Need more info.
  • 12 years ago
    Its a challenge I am faced with too. But I think you don't have the room anchored. Can I suggest different coffee table? When the flooring is in will you have an are rug? I also agree with crabby girl, there seems to be a pop of color missing, unless you are going monochromatic, then you would need to get the darker greys mixed up in there. Good luck!
  • 12 years ago
    I like Barnhart Gallery's idea. I would build built-in bookcases on that wall and set the t.v. in the center. I would also scale down the two chairs. They're too tall for the space.
    Here's an idea for bookcases against the wall where the sofa is:
    Evergreen Drive · More Info
  • 12 years ago
    last modified: 12 years ago
    I don' think most of the furniture layouts will work because your room is not big enough to arrange as suggested and second, I think you have angled the big chairs because they recline and need "back" space. If I am correct the only way your furniture will fit, and achieve your primary room function, (watching television)is:
    1. Put TV on sofa wall. 2. Put both chairs facing TV and you can try coffee table between them if enough space 3. Assuming entrance on right, put sofa under window on left. 4. Now balance room by moving tv from being centered on wall to more right.. Thus relieving cramped sofa against tv. 5. Balance off un-centered tv by pictures or display shelves with substantial weight to counterbalance visual weight of tv and console. 6. Add long drapery/panels to frame both sides of sofa. 7. One piece of art on empty wall (right side) should be enough to have eye travel around room with out a visual interruption. Peggy
  • 12 years ago
    Further to suggestions-- if couch looks too small at window, put sofa table behind with tall lamps and greenery. Remove coffee table from between chairs and just have corner table beside couch and chair. Should allow more walking space at room entry.
  • 12 years ago
    Sell your furniture and start fresh.
    -Put TV on a moveable arm on the wall in the corner (where floor lamp is).
    -Get a lush sectional that fits under the window and wraps around corner where you can see the curtain. You can put a console table behind the sectional against far wall so you have display space.
    -Art, art and more art on the walls.
    -Find the coolest coffee table you can, and throw a spectacular rug over that carpet.

    Voila! A gorgeous usable room that lives large.
  • 12 years ago
    Even if you left everything as-is, you need some kind of big, splashy artwork over the couch and an area rug. I think your furniture's pretty, but Manon is right, the chairs are a bit high for the couch. No matter, you can work around that. Maybe pull a color or two out of the painting or whatever you will have and make throw pillows for the couch alone, to bring more notice to it. I like the idea of putting the chairs in front of the window. How cozy that sounds.
  • 12 years ago
    I can't thank you guys enough for input! Unfortunately, furniture is all just purchased so there's no going back on that. You did help me realize the height of the chairs was one of the biggest issues I was having (but didn't realize until you said it). So, I've moved them together and away from the couch. I've not done a thing with accessories ~ figure I'd wait until after paint. But I did throw a few things together to give is a little punch of color. Artwork is hung on nail that just happend to be there so not centered, etc. I think it's a bit better. What do you think?
  • 12 years ago
    Yay! I think that's much better. The high backs of the chairs aren't as noticeable since they're not as close to the sofa. They could stand to be a little closer together with a shared side table between them. And I like where you're going with color. It'll come together beautifully - you're already well on your way!
  • 12 years ago
    chairs closer together with table in- between, art centered on the wall (over table between chairs) and lower. looooower---- the middle should be at eye- level
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    Based on your picture I would move the sofa in front of the television with the back of the sofa to the window, about 2.0 feet from the window wall. Then I would move the chairs off the walls and put on either side of the sofa opposite of each other to make a more intimate and homey feel to the family room. The coffee table would be in the middle. So you would be making a U shape with the furniture. Sofa at the bottom, sides would be the chairs....
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    That does look better. Nice job.
  • 12 years ago
    It is better. I think, if you can afford it, you should get a large-scale piece of art (or two or three smaller coordinating ones) and move the other one off to the side somewhere. That will give your room a focal point. Something along these lines? (one of these on a big scale. Of course, I don't know your taste in art, but it's a jumping-off point.)
  • 12 years ago
    I think what you changed looks better, but I agree that the chairs should be closer, on slight angle with table in the middle. Art work should also be lower, you could even do a large canvas picture above the table and put art work on a smaller wall.
    Looks great what you've done, I light the colors you're choosing to go with the furniture!
  • 12 years ago
    This looks so much better. I agree that the chairs need to come together a bit and move away from the wall.

    You can also move the sofa away from the wall and angle it toward the TV a bit.

    All in all this is a much improved layout!
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    I would move the couch to face the windows, the tv to face the kitchen? and lose one of the chairs. End of story!
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    Send us a photo from the other direction.
  • 12 years ago
    Bigger art - I agree. Nice greys. It will look modern no matter what kind of art you hang.
  • PRO
    12 years ago
    Art will help on the big wall. As suggested above, move chairs a little closer together. Here is a great abstract artist with nice pieces, she has a shop on Etsy...
  • 12 years ago
    Thanks everyone! Regarding the art, definitely going with something bigger. I just hung what I had handy on a nail that happened to be there to give an idea of what accent colors might work. I can't push the chairs together because they are recliners and will hit the wall unless I pull them way into the room or leave them in the corners. I'm definitely liking the feel of this much better.

    Someone asked for a pic from the other direction. I am standing on the wall in between the 2 chairs and looking into the kitchen. Eventually, the half wall will be shortened to countertop height and the counter tops/island and half wall will get granite tops. (Haven't started the kitchen project except the new recessed and island lights. That will be another call for help I'm sure!) The verticle wall attached to the half wall can't be removed because of plumbing and hvac issues. Somedays I wonder what the builder was thinking!
  • 12 years ago
    Oh, that's going to look so pretty.
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    You living room looks stunning! I've made an art recommendation below. Every order on our site is done to your specification so you are able to get the right size, material, and framing if desired.

    Let us know what you think, we're always glad to find something else if this isn't quiet your taste.
  • 11 years ago
    I would put the sofa where the TV is now, and the sofa on its place (to switch places). Why? - 1) the sofa facing the window and 2 armchairs so you have a view , 2) this sofa standing next to an armchair looks very small compared to the big armchair plus it doesn't have the feel of symetry & balance - armchairs facing the sofa and the coffee table create more balanced symetrical sitting area , 3)the tv as is standing now will reflect a lot of light from the window opposite - it is not recommended to place a tv opposite of the window (you would have to keep the curtains closed to watch anything and still in sunny days it will be probably not even enough)
  • 11 years ago
    I like your furniture. I just think you need some accent pieces for a splash of color to add the "wow' factor. With gray, you can add almost any color. I agree with some of the respondents some type of artwork would definitely be in order. I would suggest high definition photography in color. You can have it made on canvas (would not need to be framed) or Kodak ENDURA metallic paper mounted if it is a large piece and framed. With photography, you have unlimited choices of what you can place on your wall and it is almost as good as being there. Choose a place you have been or want to go. I am looking at a large lighthouse right now in my family room, in my office I have a collection of Key West photography and I awaken to a bay and ship in St Thomas and the colors are beautiful.
    Check out my photography on Houzz and, nancyhehmann is the shop.
    But, if you dont like any of my photography has many different types of wall art including photography, paintings, plaques, and some people are buying wooden letters with their initials to hang.

    You have great bones for your room. You just need the pop of color for the room so have fun. I see you have one piece of wall art but it just seems too small. If you don't want to buy one large piece of art. You could do a collection of photography of one theme in the same color frame and probably still incorporate the wall hanging you already have.
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    i think a custom canvas over the couch would make your living room pop.
    Check out my shop for more details.