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Remodeling Reinvented

Introducing Projects from Houzz

Unlock the full power of Houzz with our always free suite of project planning tools.

Save everything in one place, identify your style and estimate costs to customize your project, and stay on track with powerful planning tools!

Home Projects Come To Life On Houzz

Home projects are full of unknowns. We designed these tools to help you create a clear vision and step-by-step plan for a successful project.


Find all your tools and track your progress with your project dashboard.

Home Projects Made Easy

Organize your inspiration, define your vision, make a plan, and avoid common mistakes with the one tool built to simplify and clarify the entire project planning process.

Save from the web with the Houzz Chrome extension

Save from the web with the Houzz Chrome extension

  • Save anything from the web with one click
  • Collect all your ideas in a single Project
  • See home photos in your new tab