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Design ideas for a large rustic full sun backyard landscaping in Portland for fall.
Plan-it Earth Design
Plan-it Earth Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars17 ReviewsView Profile

Backyard Wetland

Rustic Landscape, Portland

A string of small bioswales manages stormwater from the property higher on the hill, also from the slope of their own backyard. Native plants provide habitat while reducing erosion and slowing the movement of water across the property

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Julie Sheer added this to How to Keep Your Yard Healthy and Attractive With Less WaterJune 7, 2022

Additionally, “using permaculture practices, where you plant more drought-tolerant plants at the top of the slope and...

What Houzzers are commenting on
jnydahl added this to HR Landscape IdeasMay 9, 2023

low maintenance, blends
