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Artificial Plants and Trees

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An infusion of earth-toned texture makes artificial trees and fake plants the perfect way to create a warm, friendly interior. While the real thing is always best, not every situation can accommodate the care required for live trees and plants. Some may have curious children and pets, lack the time to water and care for indoor greenery, or admire the shape and color of a plant not native to the local area. Whatever the case, artificial plants present a safe, resilient way to inject your style with organic texture.

Speaking of texture, artificial grass is a beautiful way to layer in a touch of nature. You can find fake grass in tall, decorative bushels or even in smaller, decorative pots. Fake trees can layer height into corners or alongside a console table. Artificial topiary trees are organic-inspired art, a verdant sculpture fit for your home.

Find a variety of richly textured artificial plants and trees to complement your home décor on Houzz.