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Plants, Pots and Indoor Fountains

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Can’t get enough of the outdoors? Get your daily dose of nature by adding Plants, Pots and Indoor Fountains to your home decor. Placing a few succulents in your windowsill will brighten any room, and the strategic positioning of a fountain will let you listen to the gentle splashing of running water. Because fountains and plants come in all shapes and sizes, you can bring the outside in no matter what size your house is!

What size plant works for my space?

Before purchasing your new plant, it is important to realistically consider your space. Even if you have the best intentions, an oversize floor plant does not suit a crowded apartment or condo! Desktop plants are a great alternative, because they add much-needed cheer without taking up too much space. If you have room to spare and prefer something that makes more of an impact, floor plants with colorful pots can bring life to a dull dining room or living room corner — as long as you have enough space for them to continue to grow (and, as with any plant, remember to water them).

Should I buy a fountain?

For those who don’t like the responsibility that comes with a plant, fountains are a great alternative; you can still get the outdoor feel without any additional chores. Even though they are often more regal and dramatic in appearance, oversize indoor fountains require a lot of space and an electrical hookup, which might make placement problematic. If space isn’t an issue, then go for it, but if you lack the room, you can always buy a desktop fountain, which is cheaper and usually runs on batteries. Either way, fountains are great for when you want to sit back, relax and enjoy the peaceful sound of running water.