


Compute and servers
Illustration depicting the workings of computing and servers that deliver the benefits of virtualization

Editors' picks


Embrace the “deep cloud” approach to adopt technology

Enterprises can do more to boost business performance by embracing a new, “deep cloud” approach to technology adoption.

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Get the latest insights and build on your knowledge from our blogs and explainers on computing and servers.

Containers vs. Virtual Machines (VMs): What’s the Difference?

Learn everything you need to know to understand the containers vs. VMs debate, virtualization and why containers are growing in popularity.

SOA vs. Microservices: What’s the difference?

Learn the basics of service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices, their key differences and which approach would be best for you.

OpenShift vs. Kubernetes: What’s the difference?

Explore the differences between OpenShift® and Kubernetes and how orchestration automates software workloads to improve app performance.

What is high-performance computing (HPC)?

Find out how HPC uses powerful processors to process huge amounts of data and solve complex computing problems in real-time or near-real time.

What is cloud computing?

Learn how cloud computing enables access to intranet-based infrastructure and apps, eliminating on-site upkeep and enhancing efficiency.


Learn Kubernetes—an open-source container orchestration platform—to manage and scale containerized apps, improve availability and reduce costs.

What is edge computing?

Discover how edge computing revolutionizes distributed computing by bringing enterprise applications closer to data sources such as IoT devices.

Top 6 Kubernetes use cases

Explore a rundown of six top Kubernetes use cases that reveal how Kubernetes is transforming IT infrastructure.

Research reports

Read our research reports to help steer your digital transformation journey.


Learn the fundamentals and the hottest themes in computing and servers from our series of explainer videos.

View the cloud fundamentals playlist

Join Ashher Syed from IBM Cloud as he explains the benefits of serverless computing, allowing developers to focus on application development without managing infrastructure.

Watch Jason Goode from IBM Cloud provide a quick overview of Function as a Service (Faas), exploring its core benefits and illustrating its relationship with serverless computing.

Join Bradley Knapp from IBM Cloud as he explains the differences and similarities between disaster recovery and backup, as well as how they can help you meet the needs for your business.

How IBM can help


Use the powerful and secure IBM Z servers, featuring modern z/Architecture hardware that runs z/OS, Linux, z/TPF, z/VM and IBM Z systems software, to drive innovation.

Explore the power of IBM Z
IBM® Power®

Leverage the scalability and performance of IBM Power servers, powered by IBM Power processors, capable of running IBM AIX®, IBM i and Linux®.

Leverage IBM Power servers

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