Idea Champions corporate creativity

Culture of Innovation
Consulting, training, & coaching that fosters a healthy workplace environment of sustainable innovation.
Workshops & Trainings
Highly engaging learning experiences
that increase participants' ability to
be proactive innovators on the job.
Catalytic Keynotes
Inspiring, informative, and provocative presentations that jump start creativity, innovation, & collaboration
Brainstorm Facilitation
High impact certification training that teaches committed change agents how to lead groundbreaking ideation sessions
Team Development
Results-driven collaborative meetings
that help forward thinking groups
become healthy, high performing teams.
A Sampling of our Clients...
General Electric
General Mills
A&E Television Networks
Blue State Digital
Here's the simple truth: Organizations don't innovate. People innovate.
What kind of people? Creative, conscious, and committed people.
That's what Idea Champions' work is all about — helping people go
beyond business as usual and make innovation a mindset — not a program.
Catalytic Keynotes
Here is the simplest way to jump start creative thinking and innovation. We talk the talk so your people can walk the walk. Highly interactive, engaging, and action-oriented.
Cultivating Innovation
Your "best and brightest" are the future leaders of your company, but unless they know how to foster a culture of innovation, their impact will be limited. A one-day workshop with us is all they need to begin this journey.
Brainstorm Training
Upgrade the quality, creativity, and impact of your company's ideation sessions. Learn how to facilitate brainstorming sessions that get meaningful results.
Team Innovation
Innovation is a team sport. Brilliant ideas go nowhere unless your people are aligned, collaborative, and team-oriented. That doesn't happen automatically, however. It takes intention, clarity, selflessness, and a new way of operating.
What's the Problem
Einstein once said that if he had 60 minutes to solve a problem, he'd spend the first 55 thinking about the problem, and the next 5 solving it. This is the workshop he would have invented if time wasn't so relative.
Our Blog Cabin
Our Heart of Innovation blog is a daily destination for movers and shakers everywhere — gleefully produced by our President, Mitch Ditkoff, voted "best innovation blogger in the world" two years running.