20 Ways to See The Invisible
See that FedEx logo on the truck? What do you notice? Letters? Colors? Shapes? Probably. But if that's all you see, you are missing something.
Take another look. Do you see an arrow? A white arrow. No? Look again. Look at the space in between the "E" and the "x". The white space. See it? Cool, huh?
Well then, given our tendency to miss what's right in front of us, is there a way to increase our ability to see the invisible?
Yes, there is. And here, dear readers, are 20 simple ways to begin. Choose one. Experiment. Then see what happens...
20 Ways to See the Invisible
1. Pay attention to your dreams.
2. Honor synchronicity.
3. Immerse. Dive in.
4. Stop projecting your own assumptions onto everything.
5. Trust your instincts more.
6. Let go of attachment to your thoughts.
7. Ask impossible questions.
8. Notice patterns.
9. Sneak up on your project (work in the cracks).
10. Let go of doubt.
11. Work in a different environment.
12. Ask friends to tell you what your blind spots are.
13. Look through the eyes of the person who inspires you the most.
14. Take a break.
15. Slow way down.
16. Share your AHAs.
17. Daydream.
18. Stop trying so hard.
19. Ask children for the answer.
20. Invite unusual suspects to share their point of view.
By the way, every time I see a FedEx truck these days, I stop and ask myself "What am I not seeing?" It only takes 10 seconds, but usually reveals some very useful insights. And even when it doesn't, the act of asking the question opens my eyes a bit wider.
Here's to the revelation of your white arrow!
' I dont know what the future holds but I know what holds the future and that is the present" Michael Beckweth
Posted by: Tara Liz Driscoll at June 2, 2010 02:37 PM
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