Water the Seed of Fascination
The reason why many of us do not get inspired ideas is because we are not inspired. The reason we are not inspired is because we do not follow our fascinations. The reason we do not follow our fascinations is because we judge them as impractical, irrelevant, or impossible.
And so it goes -- sometimes for an entire life.
The good news? This cycle can be reversed.
It begins by suspending judgment. It's followed by entertaining what fascinates you. It continues by getting inspired and then acting on the fruit of your inspiration.
1. On a piece of paper, create three parallel headlines -- the first, "What Fascinates Me," the second, "People I Admire," and the third, "What I Would Do If I Had More Time."
2. Jot down at least five responses under each headline.
3. Look for connections between your various responses.
4. Write down your inspired ideas. Then circle your favorite.
Excerpted from Awake at the Wheel: Getting Your Great Ideas Rolling (in an uphill world).
Mitch, this sounds like a great exercise for me to do with our grand children. They have awakened the spirit of possibilities within us. Where do you get your fascination refreshed?
Posted by: David Sollars at December 23, 2011 05:47 AM
Mitch, this sounds like a great exercise for me to do with our grand children. They have awakened the spirit of possibilities within us. Where do you get your fascination refreshed?
Posted by: David Sollars at December 23, 2011 05:48 AM
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