Meta Information
Field | Description | Field Type | XML Source Path | Examples | Multivalued | Indexed | Stored | Required |
patent-document | ||||||||
ucid | unique document identifier based on country, doc-number, and kind | string** | ./@ucid | AP-584-A AP-584* | x | x | x | |
fam | family identifier | string** | ./@family-id | 12345 | x | x | ||
loadid | load identifier | tint | ./@file-reference-id | 141023 | x | x | x | |
timestamp | time of last modification Note: This field allows efficient range faceting and Solr date math. Quotes or query escaping may be required for proper searching. See Working with Dates for more information. | tdate | n/a | Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" "2007-01-01T00:01:01Z" 2007-01-01T00\:01\:01Z [2017-07-05T00:00:00.000Z TO *] [NOW-14DAYS TO NOW] (Find documents modified in the last 14 days) | x | x | x | |
withdrawn | withdrawn status | tint | ./@withdrawn | 1 | 0 | x | x (default=0) | ||
flags | data-presence-flag Note: See Flags for more information about using flags. | alexandria_string | n/a | has_desc_en (Find records having English descriptions) | x | x | ||
nclms | number of claims | tint | ./ifi-integrated-content/ifi-claims-summary/ifi-claims/@total | 12 | x | x | ||
nindepclms | number of independent claims | tint | ./ifi-integrated-content/ifi-claims-summary/ifi-claims/@independent | 3 | x | x |
**Note: String fields are not tokenized. Therefore, queries in these fields will only return exact matches unless wild cards are used.
Further Reading
For more information about the content of the fields listed, see the XML Content Description for patent-document and ifi-integrated-content.