Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World

Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World

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Release Date: April, 2008|Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 346
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-966-3
ISBN13: 9781599049663|ISBN10: 159904966X|EISBN13: 9781599049670
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Description & Coverage

The most thrilling and challenging intellectual issues of humanity are whether and how a consistent formal representation of reality as a comprehensive theory of everything and anything can be obtained and how powerful (superhuman) intelligent machines can be brought into existence.

Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World provides cutting-edge research on reality, its nature and fundamental structure, and how it may be effectively represented both by human minds and intelligent machines. Striving to create a standard world model as a universal formal ontology, it offers a uniformly organized human knowledge of the world. The book instructs how to develop real world intelligent technology with ontological reasoning mechanisms (meta-physical semantic machines) and secure communication interoperability between two species of intelligences, existing human beings and nascent encyclopedic intellectual systems promising the profound revolution in human values and ways of life.

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Reviews & Statements

"The loyal reader will be rewarded with the principal answers to the most thrilling and challenging intellectual issues of humanity" - Azamat Abdoullaev, EIS Encyclopedic Intelligent Systems Ltd, Cyprus
"This book analyzes the model's common reasoning platform, its semantics, natural languages and sources of language intelligence, and applications to language machines."

– Book News Inc. (August 2008)

Ontologies are becoming increasingly important as the explosion of the world's knowledge makes it essential to organize that knowledge. Reality, Universal Ontology, and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World offers a brilliant proposal for providing this organization. The book is important because of its:

  • Scope: The proposed Universal Ontology both critiques and builds on other proposed ontologies.
  • Applications: There are many examples to illustrate applications to physical, mental, and cultural domains.
  • Formalism: The author clearly describes mathematical formulations.
  • Convenience: The broad survey of work on ontologies saves the reader from searching for this information in multiple sources.

I plan to use the information in this book to construct ontologies for the cognitive sciences.

– Stephen K. Reed, Professor of Psychology, CRMSE (Center for Research in Math & Science Education), San Diego State University, USA
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Editor/Author Biographies

From 1975 to 1981, Dr. Azamat Abdoullaev is a postgraduate and research associate at the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Physics (Moscow, Russia). In 1988 he received a scientific degree in physics and mathematics (the PhD equivalent) conferred by the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Lebedev's Institute of Physics, Moscow. In 1989, a year latter, he submitted a doctorate dissertation in the philosophical sciences, which was published as a book, ‘Introduction into Information World’, by the USSR Academy of Sciences. The work pioneered the role of global ontology for building (encyclopedic) intelligent systems.

From 1983 to 1991, the author was a research scientist at the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information at the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Government Committee in Scientific and Technical Information. From 1993 up to date, Director and Chief Research Scientist of a Russian company, the first business corporation entirely engaged in research and development of Computer Intelligence Framework enabling a new class of knowledge society artifacts: large scale intelligent systems with encyclopedic knowledge, general reasoning and natural language power driven by standard global ontology and semantics technology.

Recently, Dr A. Abdoullaev established EIS Encyclopedic Intelligent Systems Limited Company in Cyprus to contribute to the emerging world market of intellectual information technologies and participate in the European Union programs for building knowledge-based economies. EIS Ltd has been incorporated with the major aim to develop and manufacture advanced knowledge applications and universal intellectual technologies:

  • Semantic web global ontology;
  • Encyclopedic knowledge products;
  • General-purpose intelligent software programs, systems, and packages;
  • Internet-based general reasoning applications;
  • Global web trading reasoning systems and intelligent business semantic applications
  • Knowledge Intensive Embedded Systems

The projected knowledge product lines are to be designed as the realization of the author’s pioneering research work on the fundamental principles of knowledge processing machines and general intelligent software systems, which have been published in several books and numerous technical articles and promoted via the Internet sites: (‘ONTOLOGY, SEMANTIC TECHNOLOGY, and KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY’)

In the field of Encyclopedic Intelligence Systems, for many years, the research web site dedicated to the standard global ontology and encyclopedic intelligence has been occupying the top slot in major web directories and search engines such as Yahoo, Google, and Ask Jeeves.

Dr Azamat Abdoullaev is the creator of USECS, Universal Standard Entity Classification System, known as ‘’the World Directory of Things’’.

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