From familiar Swedish favourites to authentic local delicacies, enjoy a happy meal with your family at our restaurant, cafe, bistro or get the ingredients at our Swedish Food Market and cook a great meal at the comfort of your home.
Take the dishes of our restaurant home. In the Swedish Food Market you will find meatballs, marinated herring, coffee and various other Swedish specialities from IKEA.
At IKEA we offer a modern taste of Sweden with honest, affordable and appetising food, we have a variety of food for everyone.
After checkout and before going home, the whole family can grab an affordable snack or drink at the Swedish Bistro.
Need a caffeine fix? Have a fika, enjoy fresh coffee, cinnamon buns and lots more.
Inspiring recipes for you to try with the groceries you purchased at the IKEA Swedish Food Market.
View all recipesPlant-based food and responsible sourcing of ingredients are just some of the options IKEA can help you integrate sustainability into your everyday life.
More ways for you to shop and save on food.