Indy100 Staff
May 26, 2021

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The elusive Friends reunion has been rumoured for years, but viewers of the hit NBC sitcom will finally get their wish on Thursday when the cast sits down to reminisce about making the beloved show.
And while fans of the show are known for their obsession with every detail, like any big reunion some friends of Friends might need a little refresher on the basics. In this instance: which foods can Ross not eat?
The number one food is famously kiwi, which Ross mistakenly eats in a kiwi-lime pie his sister Monica makes in The One With the Baby on the Bus (Episode 6, Season 2).
The reaction is so bad that Ross has to go to the hospital, while two other friends, Joey and Chandler, watch his infant son Ben. But the two manage to lose the child, which is horrifying. Because Friends is a sitcom, they do find the child by the end.
Ross’s kiwi allergy is one of three, actually. The character is also allergic to peanuts and shellfish - though some keen-eyed fans have noted that this allergy subsides over time, or at least that Ross is somehow fine to eat crab in later seasons.
The reunion is unlikely to delve too far into the dietary restrictions of the show’s characters, focusing more on how the cast’s chemistry came together, and favorite scenes to film. If you’ve ever wondered whether or not the beloved actors crack up when watching their old best jokes, you’re in for a treat as well.
The special, which features all six actors speaking off script on the iconic opening credits sofa, also teases big news for fans of Friends. You’ll have to tune in to find out if there are more episodes on the way, or something else entirely.
Since the show ended in 2004, the cast has gone on to star in other TV shows, including Lisa Kudrow’s own HBO show The Comeback, as well as several films. But much to the delight of social media, they’ve always appeared to stay close, even managing to see other during the pandemic’s more closed-off days.
Streaming of the show itself also soared in popularity during lockdown, as viewers turned to familiarity to help cope with the ever-changing world.
The Friends reunion will be available to stream from midnight, Pacific Standard Time, on HBO Max.
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