Butterfly sanctuary closes due to threats from Trump supporters

The National Butterfly Center, a Texan butterfly sanctuary on the border of Mexico, is now closed due to increased threats from supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Lenneia Batiste of Veuer said that the supporters promoted false claims that the sanctuary is a part of a sex-trafficking ring.
As a result of the heinous accusation, the sanctuary shut down "for the immediate future" to protect staff members and visitors.

We look forward to reopening, soon, when the authorities and professionals were helping us navigate this situation give us the green light," said Jeffrey Glassberg, the founder and president of the North American Butterfly Association, in a statement.

In 2017, the National Butterfly Center filed a lawsuit against the former commander-in-chief due to his plan to build a border wall.
The officials for the sanctuary said that the wall would infringe on their property and destroy the wildlife and nature preserve.

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