
Meghan McCain sparks backlash over ‘privileged’ comments about Covid vaccine rollout

Talkshow co-host Meghan McCain has been criticised for self-centred comments surrounding the Covidvaccine rollout across the US.

Speaking on Monday’s episode ofThe View, McCain vented her frustrations over having not been offered a vaccine against the virus.

There were some initial problems with the US vaccination programme with the government has set a target of vaccination 20 million citizens by the end of 2020. Instead, they managed just three million.

However, the rollout improved in January with an average of one million jabs a day being given by the 21.

McCain said: “The fact that I, Meghan McCain, co-host ofThe View, don’t know when or how I will be able to get a vaccine because the rollout for my age range and my health is so nebulous. 

“I have no idea when and how I can get it. If you called me at three o’clock in the morning, I would go any time and any place to get it.”

Viewers were incredulous at her tone-deaf comments, likening them to a “do you know who I am?” moment of the Covid pandemic.

In the same segment, the hosts discussed a recent interview of chief medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci, in which he was reluctant to give a solid timeframe of Covid restrictions as any changes depending on many variants.

McCain accused him of putting out “inconsistent messaging to the country”, and declared she was “over” him.

She demanded president Joe Biden fire the doctor and replace him with “someone that maybe does understand science”, a suggestion that prompted viewers to call for her replacement.

While McCain admitted former president Donald Trump harboured much of the blame for the rocky rollout of the vaccine, she said it was now down to President Biden’s administration to pull the programme together.

She added: “I for one would like something to look forward to, and hope for.”

More: The Covid-19 vaccine rollout shows wealth means health in America. Biden must change this

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