
Muslim lawyer shuts down troll who says there’s no ‘Christian version’ of Isis

Muslim lawyer shuts down troll who says there’s no ‘Christian version’ of Isis

Muslim lawyer Qasim Rashid has to deal with anti-Muslim trolls on a fairly regular basis.

While that's unacceptable, he has admittedly got really good at shutting them down.

Case in point; when a "white supremacist" DM'ed him to ask where "the Christian version of Isis" was.

Rashid had a pretty good response to his query:

Picture: Twitter / MuslimIQ

Picture: Twitter / MuslimIQ

Rashid sums up by saying:

So before you question any Muslim about Isis (which btw is the result of that Iraq bombing and not the result of the Quran) please check yourself.

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