It's fair to say it's been an eventful couple of years for Nick Clegg.
The former deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats saw his party trounced in the 2015 elections, and became known for predicting the exact consequences of a Brexit vote following the UK referendum.
Since then he's kept a relatively low profile - until eagle-eyed director Garth Jennings seemed to spot him in the unlikeliest of places...
Yes, that appears to be Nick Clegg on a poster in an airport in Nevada, USA - advertising maintenance and building works, ironically.
To clarify: we have no official confirmation that this is actually Nick Clegg.
But a spokesperson for the airport told MailOnline:
The artwork used was one of several images our graphic artists borrowed from a presentation originally created by the architecture firm that handled these renovations on behalf of the airport.
We had no knowledge of who the man in this image was, nor can we identify any of the other persons/images used for this or other similar signs. We merely reused the renderings that our architect gave us.
Nevertheless, this was the hilarious Lib Dem response...
Twitter has some jokes, as always...
It seems that the US stock image database is becoming a graveyard for formerly successful UK politicians...
Lest we forget, that awkward moment when Ed Miliband's photograph was used by an American TV channel, warning viewers that "flu season has arrived".
More: Nick Clegg reading mean tweets about himself is even funnier than it should be
More: Nick Clegg predicted the future with stunning accuracy