
Miriam Margolyes has not forgiven Arnold Schwarzenegger for farting on her face

Miriam Margolyes has not forgiven Arnold Schwarzenegger for farting on her face
Miriam Margolyes makes 'enormous fart' on This Morning

Miriam Margolyes, a charismatic national treasure who must be protected at all costs, has revealed that Arnold Schwarzenegger once deliberately farted in her face. Understandably, the actress has not forgiven him.

The pair co-starred in the 1999 horror End of Days. Speaking on the I’ve Got News For You podcast, Margolyes explained, in that inimitable style:

“He was actually quite rude. He farted in my face. Now, I fart, of course, I do – but I don’t fart in people’s faces. He did it deliberately, right in my face.”

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She continued: “I was playing Satan's sister and he was killing me, so he had me in a position where I couldn't escape and lying on the floor. And he just farted. It wasn't on film, it was in one of the pauses, but I haven't forgiven him for it.”

Margolyes has previously spoken about becoming more left-wing as she gets older, something that seems to go against the grain somewhat.

Indeed, she landed herself in some bother when appearing on The Last Leg after admitting she “had difficulty not wanting Boris Johnson to die” after he was hospitalised suffering from Covid-19.

Part of her issue with the star of The Terminator star seems to stem from his politics. Margolyes said:

“He’s a bit too full of himself and I don’t care for him at all. He’s a Republican, which I don’t like.”

Elsewhere in the interview, the Blackadder legend revealed that her favourite word is the extremely rude one beginning with a C but did show enough restraint to resist the urge to use it in relation to Arnie.

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