Meme Enthusiast Marley Gotterer Is Trolling Us All

Marley Gotterer

Photo courtesy of Marley Gotterer.

If Internet humor is like abstract art, then Marley Gotterer is Jackson Pollock—and her chosen medium is Instagram Create Mode. The comedian, actress, and self-proclaimed “creator of the Internet” has tapped into the fine-tuned stupidity of the online zeitgeist, though on many occasion it’s gotten her shadow-banned. Since her meme page was taken down from Instagram earlier this year, Gotterer has turned to her 18K followers on TikTok, posting videos of her crushing watermelons with her thighs and daily “words of wisdom” that are more or less declarative statements of fact. (“This is an Instagram post.”) For this week’s Search History, we slid into Gotterer’s DMs to find out who’s in her DMs, what it takes to be Mark Zuckerberg’s number one enemy, and why there’s a phone app for each season.


EMMA STOUT: Hiii, wanna get started?



GOTTERER: 26/Shemale/On The Toilet.

STOUT: What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

GOTTERER: Respond to the boys I’ve been ghosting then go to the gym.

Marley Gotterer

STOUT: What’s your go to gym song?

GOTTERER: Strictly Jersey club remixes and “Everything is romantic” by Madame Charli XCX. On Brat, of course.

STOUT: Musical creatine FR. What were your last three Google searches?


GOTTERER: Wait one sec Dave Chapelle just DM’d me.

STOUT: Next DM from Dave Chapelle: “That body of yours is absolutely absurd”

GOTTERER: Timmy kinda said that.

STOUT: Your roster is stacked. These are the men you’re un-ghosting every morning?

GOTTERER: No, that’s mostly about my biological father. Do you wanna see hot pics of me?

STOUT: You read my mind. Send a fit pic.


Marley Gotterer

STOUT: A lot of people know you as the owner of the meme page, @MarleysMind. Do you have a favorite meme format?

GOTTERER: As the creator of the Internet and of Marley’s Mind, my favorite meme format currently is Instagram Create Mode.

STOUT: A painter with her paintbrush.

GOTTERER: Do you think I could marry a magazine? If so, would you be down?

STOUT: Lemme phone Andy Warhol and ask him. What’s the craziest DM you’ve received?


Marley Gotterer

Marley Gotterer

You pick. Well there’s one DM that changed my career entirely.

STOUT: If anyone could save SNL, it’s you.

GOTTERER: I agree. And I’m pretty sure Lorne knows it too 😜

STOUT: MFs listen to Charli XCX once, talking about “Should I transition?” 

GOTTERER: Literally. She watched me do poppers and spin on a stripper pole at Jordan Firstman’s house once.

STOUT: She didn’t do poppers with you?

GOTTERER: No, she’s mostly into voyeuristic behavior. When they see me, most people can only stop and stare. I have magical powers unknown to human kind.

STOUT: What does your TikTok FYP look like?

GOTTERER: Furries, old men, and FREE MOTHERFCKN PALESTINE ofc. I’m in many FYP TikTok battles with z*onists.

STOUT: Amazing. As the creator of the Internet, do you have a favorite era of social media?

GOTTERER: Beginning of YouTube when I was 11, I had a series called “How To Be An Idiot” where I interviewed my friends with problematic questions. Everyone’s parents found out and they made me delete it. If I wasn’t censored by small town faux-liberal ass parents… I would be a YouTube star, have one trillion followers, and a blue check mark. But now all I have are five deleted accounts and a permanent shadowban, all for creating culture selflessly.

STOUT: Speaking of censorship…which app has the worst algorithm?

GOTTERER: No algorithm can really handle all this… but Twitter is scary because I’ll scroll and it’ll be like, my friends in a concerning spiral, then random porn, then genocide, then nonsensical gay brainrot, then Elon being transphobic, etc.

STOUT: Where do you spend most of your time online?

GOTTERER: With you on Instagram, bae! Or sexting on various applications (depending on the season tbh).

STOUT: Is there a different season for every app? Or do you redownload?

GOTTERER: Spring: TikTok. Summer: Sniffies. Fall: Candy Crush. Winter: Well, I just got a new phone so I have so much storage so I’m kinda like what apps you got?? I’ll download them.

STOUT: Girl, I got banned from most dating apps for asking men for money 😭 but I also kinda use Depop like a dating app.

GOTTERER: That’s genius. From 18-23 I was jerking off men in trailers for $100 cash. Had to get about 14 emails to make new Grindr accounts.

STOUT: Netflix, if you see this, give Marley a biopic! 


STOUT: Last question: what’s your password?

GOTTERER: Same one since sixth grade: inoob888.
