ISPRS General Assembly IV, Prague, July 18, 2016

GA IV - Monday, July 18, 13:30 - 18:00


  1. Congress Director's Report
  2. Approval of Resolutions for 2016-2020
  3. Date of the next General Assembly
  4. Any other business
  5. Close of General Assembly



33. Congress Director's Report

Lena Halounová reported that of the 1994 submitted papers to Congress, 1819 were accepted, with 663 reviewers making 3750 reviews. 454 papers were submitted to Annals and 1540 to Archives. All Technical Commissions were active, and along with Special Sessions and others, a total of 897 oral presentations, 922 interactive presentations and 186 oral sessions took place. 710 submissions were delivered by young authors (under 30 years of age). A total of 2294 participants from 88 countries attended the Congress, the major groups coming from China, Germany, Czech Republic and USA. 77 exhibitors displayed over an area of 799 m2. The Congress used full digital infrastructure for the participants, including a daily Newsletter (printed and digital) and Congress TV; every morning all participants received links to both with news of the previous day.

34. Approval of Resolutions for 2016-2020

The Resolutions were prepared by the Resolution Committee consisting of Orhan Altan, John Trinder, Wolfgang Wagner and John Shi.

The 1st Vice president presented the Resolutions to the Assembly where they were approved.

ISPRS congratulated the Czech Society, its president and the Congress Director Lena Halounová, the Technical Program Director, Václav Šafář , the Local Organizing Committee and the Congress PCO, Auletris, s.r.o., for their excellent work which has resulted in a very successful Congress.

35. Date of the next General Assembly

Possible dates for the next Congress are:
12-19 July,
28 June - 5 July, or
30 August - 6 September, 2020, in Nice, France

The final date is to be decided.

36. Any other business

No other business

37. Close of General Assembly

The outgoing President, Chen Jun, thanked the Members for their work and dedication to the ISPRS and closed the General Assembly at 15:00


The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

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