ISPRS Joint Meeting: Council and Commission Presidents in Enschede/Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1999


11-12 SEPTEMBER 1999

Council Attendees
President:                Lawrence Fritz (LF)
Secretary General:        John Trinder (JT)
First Vice President:     Shunji Murai (SM)
Congress Director:        Klaas Beek  (KB)
Treasurer:                Heinz Rüther (HR)

Second Vice President     Marcio Barbosa (MB)

Commission President Attendees
Commission I:             George Joseph (JG)
Commission II:            Ian Dowman (ID)
Commission III:           Toni Schenk (TS)
Commission IV:            Dieter Fritsch (DT)
Commission V:             Hirofumi Chikatsu (HC)
Commission VI:            Lukman Aziz
Commission VII:           Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp (GR)

In attendance
Chair, Financial Commission:        Armin Gruen
Journal Editor:                     Emmanuel Baltsavias (EB)
ISPRS Highlights Editor:            Lucas Janssen
ISPRS Highlights Publisher:         Johan Boesjes (JB)
Web Master:                         André Streilein (AS)
Chair, Congress Technical Program:  Martin Molenaar
Representatives of Congress Committee of The Netherlands Society 
for Earth Observation and Geo-Informatics:
                                    Cees Ijsendoorn
                                    Rob Neleman
Representatives of CONGREX (Conference Managers):
                                    Rika Strik
                                    Abey Jaarsma


1. Opening  Remarks (LF)
    1.1   Remarks
    1.2   IPAC, ISAC & CEOS
    1.3  Standing WGs

2.  Review of Action Items and Minutes of C & TCP Meeting in Stuttgart (JT)
    2.1  TCP Actions items (as listed with Minutes)

3.  Commission Reports  (TCPs)
    3.1  Status of each Working Group
    3.2  Plan for recognition of WG officers
    3.3  Planned meetings, workshops and tutorials
    3.4  Rational Functions committee (ID)
    3.5  Bylaws Updates for each Commission
    3.6  Young Authors' Awards

4.  ISPRS Publications
    4.1  Annual Report (JT)
    4.2  Journal (LF/Manos)
    4.3  ISPRS Highlights  (JT/LJ)
    4.4  Web and Home Page status (AS/JT)
    4.5  Archives (JT)
    4.6  Guidelines & Orange Book (JT)

5.  Inter-Organisation Relationships(LF/JT)
    5.1  UN Organisations (COPUOS, UATI/ICET, ICSU)
    5.2  CIPA
    5.3  Standards (ISO)  (DF) 
    5.4  Other Societies (IUSM)
    5.5  Strategic Plan

6.  Congress planning responsibilities (KB)
    6.1  Workshops & Tutorials
    6.2  Technical Sessions
    6.3  Awards and Honorable Mentions
    6.4  Facilities and schedule
    6.5  Visit to Conference Venue
    6.6  Meetings/Reports at Congress

7. Proposals for 2000-2004 Technical Commissions 

8.  Next Meeting of Council and Technical Commission Presidents (JT)
    8.1 Budapest April 2000

9.  Other Business

Council                         Technical Commission Presidents
LF=Larry Fritz                  JG=Joseph George
JT=John Trinder                 ID=Ian Dowman
SM=Shunji Murai                 TS=Toni Schenk
KB=Klaas Beek                   DF=Dieter Fritsch
HR=Heinz Ruether                HC=Hirofumi Chikatsu
MB=Marcio Barbosa               LA=Lukman Aziz
Manos=Manos Baltsavias          GR=Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp
LJ=Lucas Janssen


1. Opening

The meeting opened at 9.10 am on 11 September at ITC in Enschede, The Netherlands, and terminated at 5 pm. It reconvened in the DISH Hotel in Enchede until approximately 6 pm and on Sunday 12 September until 1pm, when the members travelled to Amsterdam to visit the Congress venue, RAI, and the offices of CONGREX, the company contracted to manage the Congress.

1.1 Opening Remarks

President Lawrence Fritz welcomed all members and looked forward to a fruitful meeting. He thanked Klaas Jan Beek for arranging the meeting, and providing the excellent facilities in ITC and the DISH Hotel, and the visit to RAI and CONGREX in Amsterdam. The President congratulated Technical Commission I President George Joseph on his receipt of The Padma Bhushan Award in India, and First Vice President Shunji Murai for his successful chairing of one of the Committees during UNISPACE III.

Primary business items to be considered at the meeting include:
Preparations for the Amsterdam Congress in July 2000
Preparation of the science and technology sessions at the Congress
Updating of item 13 in the Society's Bylaws covering the terms of reference of the Commissions
Discussing the status of Technical Commissions
Reviewing the status of ISPRS publications
Consideration of relations between Technical Commissions and other international organisations



President Fritz briefly reviewed the Strategic Planning meeting in May 1998 and developments from it. Council has established an International Policy Advisory Committee (IPAC) with Ray Harris as Chair. Members of the Committee have been drawn from experts in a broad range of issues associated with space policy. The terms of reference of the Committee have been published in ISPRS Highlights and were circulated to members at the meeting. Its primary role is to assist Council in formulating policy for its collaboration with other international organisations. The Committee has demonstrated considerable enthusiasm in fulfilling its role, as demonstrated by its assistance to Council in preparing the ISPRS statement to UNISPACE III in Vienna.

An International Science Advisory Committee (ISAC) is being developed with Shunji Murai as Chair, to advise Council on scientific matters of the Society, for example, the resolutions at the Congress, and terms of reference and structure of the Commissions and Working Groups. Experts in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences will be invited to participate in the Committee.

An Industry Forum is being established in CEOS with initiative from ISPRS and advice from IPAC.


1.3 Standing WGs

Council is proposing to establish ′Standing Working Groups′ to enable closer cooperation with bodies which are have interests in the fields of ISPRS, but which are not currently participating in ISPRS activities or meetings. President Fritz presented the benefits of the establishment of Standing WGs from an ISPRS viewpoint. Disadvantages of such an arrangement could be that a Standing Working Group may have to change the dates of its meetings to suit the ISPRS schedule. This proposal will be formalised at the Congress. Currently there are three organisations which could be made Standing Working Groups:

  • The International Center for Remote Sensing of Environment (ICRSE) (currently an ISPRS Sustaining Member) comprises a large group of skilled experts involved in remote sensing, and meets regularly in specialised remote sensing conferences, but does not participate in ISPRS activities. ISPRS would gain considerably from closer contact with this Center through an appropriate structure, such as a Standing Working Group. Discussions have already been held between representatives of ISPRS Council and ICRSE and indications are that the Center wishes to collaborate with ISPRS, if a suitable structure can be found. The proposal is currently being considered by the Board of ICRSE. The meeting supported the proposal for collaboration with ICRSE.
  • The Spatial Data Handling group of IGU (SDH), under the leadership of Anthony Yeh, undertakes studies in Geo-Spatial Information Systems, and has common interests with ISPRS. The next meeting of SDH will be in Beijing in August 2000, and it is hoped that a joint meeting between ISPRS and SDH can be held in 2002, probably at the time of the Commission IV Symposium. It was agreed that Commission IV should work closely with SDH, because of its interests in all aspects of GIS. Negotiations with SDH are in their early stages and must be taken gradually.
  • Coordinate Measurement Systems Committee (CMSC) is a committee of ASPRS, and could be a Standing Working Group in Commission V. Negotiations have only just commenced with CMSC.

It was suggested that CIPA could also be a Standing Working Group in ISPRS.

2. Review of Action Items and Minutes of C & TCP Meeting in Stuttgart

TCP Actions items (as listed with Minutes)

13 items have been completed, 1 item was overcome by events and 7 items are still open. The actions list is attached.

Matters arising from the Minutes

Item 3.1 Follow-up on Fulfilment of Vienna Resolutions

Resolution I.6: JG intends to cover this item himself, with a report and possibly a meeting in 2000.

Resolution II.1:: has not been proceeded with because it is a major undertaking, which is beyond the resources of the WG. It cannot be achieved satisfactorily, unless it is carried out in collaboration with an organisation such as OEEPE

Resolution II.5: the WG programmed to consider this resolution has been disbanded, but the topic will be considered at a session of the Congress, in cooperation with IGOS

Resolution III.4: covered by IC WG IV/III.1

Resolutions VI.1 VI.3 and VI.4: these item have not yet been addressed and require urgent action from WG VI/4

Action 99/248: LA to stimulate WG VI/4 to address the Resolutions VI.1, VI.3 and VI.4

Resolution VII.: the topic of lidar in this resolution is not being addressed by the WGs

TCPs were requested to answer the questionnaire on ranking of the importance of international organisations while they were at the meeting.

3. Commission Reports (TCPs)

3.1 Status of each Working Group

Commission I

All WGs are active except for WG I/4, whose work will be partly undertaken by JG.

WG I/1 has jointly organised a workshop with WG I/3 and WG IV/4 on ′Sensors and Mapping from Space′ in Hannover in September 1999 and will collaborate with CNES on a workshop on ′In-orbit Geometric Characterisation of Optical Imaging Systems′

WG I/2: the proposed workshop in Sweden, planned to be held jointly with WG II/3 in September 1999 was cancelled due to the low level of interest

WG I/3: will also participate in the Hannover workshop (jointly with WG I/1 and WG IV/4) on ′Sensors and Mapping from Space′

WG I/4 has been inactive

WG I/5 will hold a workshop on ′Hyperspectral Sensors for Earth Observation′ in Japan in December conjunction with the ADEOS/ADEOS-II Symposium.

The Commission I report includes an excellent summary of ISO publications related to Commission I activities.


Commission II

WG II/1 held the successful workshop on Mobile Mapping in Bangkok in April 1999. A further meeting is planned in January 2001 in Cairo

Co-Chair of WG II/2 will take over as the Chair with a new address; the WG will participate in the workshop in Beijing, China in October 1999

WG II/3 -the address of Henrik Osterlund has changed

WG II/4 had a successful meeting in UK in May 1999, jointly with CEOS Cal/Val group. A tutorial on SAR will be organised before the Congress.

WG II/5 has been abandoned but a session will be held in Amsterdam with IGOS

WG II/6 held a meeting in Paris and has participated in the workshop in Munich in September 1999

WG II/7 - the main activity is the development of an image transfer: a brainstorming meeting was held last year, and a meeting will be held in Stuttgart during the Photogrammetric Week in September 1999. It is also collaborating closely with OGC.

WG II/8 participated in the meeting in Munich in September 1999, and is publishing an OEEPE publication No 35 on an image transfer test


Commission III

Archives for the Symposium will be sent to Council and TCPs.

WG III/1 has held a Workshop in May in 1999, but there was small attendance. A meeting will be held in Barcelona in November. It also participated in the workshop in Munich in September 1999

WG II/2 is functioning very well. It participated in the Munich ′99 in September 1999: it will also hold a workshop in San Diego with WG III/5 in November 1999

WG III/3 and III/4 have been very active in organising the Munich ′99 workshop in September 1999. Speakers included computer vision experts.

WG III/5 is developing well: it will hold a meeting in San Diego in November 1999: the web based test dataset over Ocean City now includes hyperspectral data.

WG III/6 - the planned workshop in SAR is uncertain.

There were general comments that there are too many workshops being held with low attendances. However, it was stated that workshops are designed to be focussed on a particular topic of the WG, may be small and need not include published proceedings. They may also be combined with other related ISPRS WGs or other inter-disciplinary groups.


Commission IV

Overall the Commission is doing well.

IC IV/III.1 is working well: it held meetings in Hong Kong in June and Ottawa (at ICA Conference in August) and a further meeting will be held in Beijing in October

IC IV/III.2 held a meeting in Spain in June together with Commissions III and VII and EARSeL.

WG IV/1will participate in the meeting in Beijing

WG IV/2 held two technical Sessions at the ASPRS meeting in Portland Oregon, USA

WG IV/3 will also participate in the workshop in Beijing in October

WG IV/4 - Volker Walter from Stuttgart has replaced Don Light as Co-Chair: the WG will participate in the workshop in Hannover (jointly with WG I/1 and WG I/3) at the end of September

WG IV/5 is active and held a meeting in USA in July during the JPL conference on Mars

WG IV6 will hold a meeting in Hawaii in November


Commission V

WG V/1 is very active: it participated in the workshop on mobile mapping in Bangkok in April 1999, and is collaborating with CMSC on industrial measurement.

WG V/2 is very active: it held a Workshop with WG V/5 in Thessaloniki, Greece in June 1999

WG V/3 is very active: it participated in Videometrics conference in January 1999 and will participate in the workshop in Japan from 14-16 October 1999: a special issue has been published in the Journal

WG V/4 needs to be more active, but will participate in the workshop in Japan from 14-16 October 1999

WG V/5 is very active: it participated in the workshop in Thessaloniki, Greece in June 1999.

IC V/III is very active: it participated in the workshop on mobile mapping in Bangkok Thailand in April 1999, and will participate in the Japan meeting in 14-16 October 1999

SIG is very active and will be involved in the Workshop in Japan in 14-16 October 1999

Commission VI
The postponed Symposium was held successfully in April 1999 in Bandung, Indonesia. Comments on the WGs are as follows:

WG VI/ is very active and will participate in the Benin meeting in December 1999. A list of education institutions has been developed and will be made available on the Web. However, it was stated that the document does not identify the differences between training and education ′ this matter should be addressed in future versions of the document. There are two new developments on education in Africa that should be of interest to this WG. A database will be prepared on education in Africa, and UNDP will fund a program for remote learning.

WG VI/2: details of CATCON at the Amsterdam Congress have been sent to the Congress Director, but the judging still requires planning. Also, funding still has to be found for the prizes.

WG VI/3 is planning the Benin meeting in December 1999

WG VI/4 - it was noted above that 3 Vienna Congress resolutions, which are the responsibility of this WG have not been addressed.


Commission VII

All WGs are active:

WG VII/1 will participate in the ISSSR meeting in Las Vegas 31 Oct - 4 November 1999

WG VII/2 is very active, having organised a conference in Dehra Dun on 11 March 1999 and active participation in UNISPACE III

WG VII/3: the new high resolution data is not yet available to enable it to carry out studies

WG VII/4 participated in the meeting in Valladolid, Spain in June together with Commission IV and EARSeL

WG VII/5 is planning an International Symposium on "Remote Sensing and the Kyoto Protocol" in Ann Arbor, USA 20-22 October, 1999

WG VII/6 is working strongly especially in the SE Asia and Americas

WG VII/7 is active in SE Asia, America and Africa


3.2 Plan for recognition of WG officers

The proposal for the President to send a letter to employees of WG officers thanking them for their contribution to the activities of WG during the current inter-Congress period was discussed. It was agreed that the recipients of the letters, either the WG officers or their employer or both in each Commission, should be determined by the TCPs. Officers of ′sleeping′ WGs will not receive the letter.

Action 99/249: TCPs to provide address of recipients of letters recognising their contributions to the WG


3.3 Planned meetings, workshops and tutorials

Action 99/250: TCPs to provide details of meetings to LF for updating the Calendar


3.4 Rational Functions Committee

A draft document on Rational Functions has been prepared by ID, discussing the tasks and work being undertaken by the Committee. Feedback on the document from all those interested was requested. A report may be available by April 2000.


3.5 Bylaws Updates for Each Commission

All TCPs have been requested by MB to prepare updates of the ToRs of Commissions currently listed in the Bylaw XXXIII.1. Commission I made recommendations for changes in its report. There were suggestions for changes to Commission responsibilities for the topics of image understanding, GIS, and mobile mapping. DF, TS, ID, HC and Martien Molenaar need to liaise on these issues.

On issues related to education, it was recommended that distance learning, and web based training and communication should be added to the responsibilities of Commission VI.

Action 99/252: TCPs to provided recommendations on changes to Commission ToRs to MB


3.6 Young Authors' Awards

The details of the Young Authors Awards have been included in the 2nd Announcement. The full paper must be submitted by 31 January 2000. Every submitted paper will be reviewed by 2 assessors. Manos will provide criteria used for the Helava Award to Council as a basis for determining criteria for judging the papers. Reviewers, who will include TCPs, must return their assessments of the papers to the President by 28 February. The awards will be announced by 31 March 2000. The Treasurer will send money to winners by about 30 April.

Manos announced that 2 additional Young Authors Awards will provided from surplus funds from the Joint ISPRS/Earsel Workshop meeting in Valladolid in Spain.

4. ISPRS Publications

4.1 Annual Report

TCPs were reminded of the need to submit their contributions to the 1999 Annual Report by 15 December 1999 according to the prescribed format.

4.2 Journal

Manos Baltsavias reported on developments on the Journal. There have been so many papers submitted to the Journal that there is now a bottleneck in the review and publication processes. The number of pages has been increased to 400 in 1999, and 480 in 2000. Total pages should be flexible. There will be a high priority for the publication of normal papers, ie those not included in special issues.

Theme issues are generally progressing well. Commission I is waiting for material; the Commission II edition on SAR needs a guest editor, to be recommended by ID, and the Commission IV issue is in preparation. A proposal for a special issued for Commission VII following the Symposium has not progressed as expected, but it is hoped that a special issue will be produced by the Congress. Other suggested special issues are on Africa (HR as guest editor), and imaging spectroscopy (Skidmore, van der Meer and somebody from USA suggested as guest editors). Special issues by Commissions III and V are in hand or published.

Plans for the Congress include a special display booth, special cover for the Congress issue, a special price for individual subscribers, and an Editorial Board dinner.

Helava Awards for 1996 and 1997 have been announced, the jury is reviewing all 1998 papers, and 1999 papers will be judged by the end of the year. The final selection should be made by February 2000. The jury has done an excellent job. The review process for the future will continue unchanged for the period 2000-2004.

Hardcopy institutional subscribers will have free electronic full-paper access for all their members from 1/1/2000. This should mean a larger number of readers can gain access to the Journal through the subscriber′s authorisation. There will also be changes in procedures for subscriptions.

The exchange of advertisements between the publisher of ISPRS Highlights, GITC and Elsevier has been achieved. A new contract for the publication of the Journal is being negotiated.

4.3 ISPRS Highlights

The presentation of the progress of ISPRS Highlights was based on a PowerPoint presentation, summarised as follows.

Full colour printing: The publishers recommend full colour printing. Council needs to consider the additional cost.

Advertisement policy: A different advertising policy is recommended ′ a decision needs to be taken by Council.

Inclusion of other newsletters: One OGC Newsletter has been included, but despite discussions with CEOS representatives, the CEOS Newsletter has not been available so far.

Advertisement policy: The publisher′s target for advertisements is 20 pages for full colour printing. The contract states that advertisements should amount to 25% of the total publication. Hence the advertisement policy needs to be reviewed. To encourage advertisers to include advertisements in ISPRS Highlights, direct mail to recipients is recommended.

Action 99/252: JT to request Ordinary Members to supply addresses of recipients for pilot direct mailing

A reader survey should be included in the next edition.

Action 99/253: JT and JB to finalise the questionnaire for the December 1999 issue

Subscribers: There is only 1 subscriber at present. Library subscription rate should be $50

Extra copies should be sent to TCPs as follows: GJ ′ 5; ID ′ 20 extra for National members; TS ′ 12; DF ′ extra for German Society; LA ′ nil; HC ′ 10 copies for related Societies; GR ′ 10 copies

4.4 Web and Home Page status

A report was submitted on the Web Page. There are many web pages being produced by members, Technical Commissions, WGs and related organisations. A number of requirements should be satisfied by the authors, including a reference to ISPRS, the name and address of the author, last update, inclusion of the ISPRS logo and links to the ISPRS Home Page.

The size of the ISPRS Home Page is expanding and this will cause problems in future. A solution needs to be found to manage the size of the Home Page. Many international organisations use the ISPRS guidelines. Statistics of users are very encouraging, being an average of 9,360 requests per month. The Calendar is the most used page, followed by the Technical Commissions, and the Jobs Page with 600 hits. Most users stayed logged on for a considerable time.

Given the important role the Home Page is playing for ISPRS, all persons responsible for information on it should ensure that it is kept it up-to-date. The usefulness of information on the Home Page to users should be investigated by a suitable survey.

Procedures are currently underway to change the address of the Home Page to ′′. These procedures should be completed by the end of the year. A method needs to be found to redirect those using bookmarks with the old address to the new address.

4.5 Archives

Recent new Volumes delivered to RICS Books are as follows:

  • Dehra Dun, India Tutorial for WG VII/2 in October 1998 - Vol XXXII Part 7T1
  • Bangkok, Thailand meeting in April 1999 on Mobile Mapping by WG II/1 and others - Vol XXXII Part 2-5-3/W10
  • Valladolid, Spain meeting in May 1999 on Fusion of Sensor Data for Commissions VII, IV and III - Vol XXXII Part 7-4-3 W6
  • Commissions II and III workshop on automatic information extraction from images in September 1999 in Munich, Germany - Vol 32 Part 3-2W5.

Guidelines for reviewing volumes submitted for publication in the International Archives for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing were adopted in principle, subject to changes reflecting comments from the meeting.

Guidelines & Orange Book

Guidelines published in the Orange Book and on the Web Page were reviewed and amended as appropriate.

New Guidelines for preparation of documents for the Congress Archives Volume are urgently required.

Action 99/254: JT to finalise the Guidelines and arrange for reprinting of the Orange Book for distribution to prospective TCPs in early 2000.

Action 99/255: KB to arrange finalisation of Guidelines for Papers in the Archives Volume

5. Inter-Organisation Relationships

5.1 UN Organisations (COPUOS, UATI/ICET, ICSU)


ISPRS participation in UNISPACE III was very successful. Summaries of the sessions were distributed to the meeting and will be included in ISPRS Highlights.

The Benin meeting in December 1999 will be an annual meeting of UN and has received UN funding.


Two requests to UATI for subventions were approved, but have not yet been funded. It is hope that the French society will take on the ISPRS responsibility for attendance and reporting on UATI meetings.


Due to delays in ICSU's processing of the ISPRS application for full membership, the membership application will not be considered at the ICSU meeting in Cairo in September 1999, and hence its consideration by ICSU will be delayed until the next meeting in 2002.


5.2 CIPA

The new CIPA Statutes have been approved by ISPRS. A document summarising all past CIPA meetings has been made available to ISPRS.


5.3 Standards (ISO)

A request has been included in ISPRS Highlights for representatives to attend relevant ISO TC meetings and report on their activities to ISPRS. This is an important role that ISPRS should play, but it has experienced considerable difficulties in attracting appropriate representatives for these tasks.

The Commission I report to the meeting included useful details of a number of documents produced by relevant ISO TCs.


5.4 Other Societies

An MoU between ISPRS and OGC is currently being prepared.

IUSM has been disbanded.

International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) Technical Group on 3-D Analysis of Human Movement, undertakes studies of image analysis for human movement. The next meeting of the WG will be in Cape Town in ??. The next Congress of ISB will be held in 2001 in Zurich.

EUROGI President is Ian Masser from ITC. Topics for ISPRS/EUROGI collaboration include interoperability of spatial data systems, cadastres for city models, remote sensing and GIS at regional levels.

German medical conferences in Heidelberg include many papers on image analysis in medicine. No photogrammetrists are involved.

GSDI conferences do not include major technical or scientific matters. However, the view was expressed that ISPRS should attend these conferences. Invitations to participate have been sent to ISPRS in the past. Council will discuss this issue to determine an appropriate involvement.

The World Water Forum 2 will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands in March 2000.


5.5 Strategic Plan

Council has developed a table of overlaps in activities between ISPRS, and Regional Members and International Organisations. TCPs were asked for comments on the contents of this table and for input on how ISPRS can improve cooperation with these groups. There was strong support for collaboration with ICA Commissions. Links with these groups should be added to the ISPRS Home Page where they are not already included.

It was recommended that closer links should be established with the Joint Research Centre in Ispra in Italy (JRC), possibly as a Sustaining Member.

Action 99/256: DF to contact JRC to become a Sustaining Member.

6. Congress planning

A detailed presentation was given by members of The Netherlands Congress Organising Committee and CONGREX, covering the structure of the CONGREX company, the general organisation of the Congress, accommodation, abstracts, Official Opening, the technical program, the guidelines for the proceedings, facilities and schedules, and the venue in Amsterdam. The details are covered in separate documents distributed to the meeting.


6.1 Workshops & Tutorials

Details of the workshops and tutorials were listed by Martien Molenaar.


6.2 Technical Sessions

The following procedures for preparation for the Technical Sessions were described by Martien Molenaar:

  • The content of each technical session has been included in the 2nd Announcement.
  • Abstracts of papers must be submitted by 30 September 1999.
  • Abstracts will be distributed for review by 26 October 1999,
  • TCPs must return inappropriate abstracts to the Organising Committee for re-allocation.
  • First and second reviews of abstracts should be completed by the organising Committee by 6 December 1999
  • The review process communication from Congress Secretariat, to TCPs, , TCPs to WG Chairs and session convenors and replies back to the Secretariat
  • Notification to authors by 15 December 1999 of acceptance or otherwise of the paper
  • Guidelines for preparation of papers will be available on the Congress Web Page by December.
  • TCPs are responsible for the planning of papers in the sessions, including requests for keynote and invited papers.

The Guidelines for the Congress Archives Volume were discussed in detail and must be finalised as soon as possible. See Action item under item 4.6 above.


6.3 Awards and Honourable Mentions

Awards details have been distributed to all ISPRS Members. TCPs are requested to consider nominees for these awards. TCPs are required to nominate one member of their Commission for Honorable Mention at the Congress, Guidelines for which are on the Web Page.


6.4 Facilities and schedule

The details of the facilities were given by the organisers in a separate document.


6.5 Visit to Conference Venue

The attendees at the meeting visited the Congress site on Sunday 12 September, and viewed the venues for the Opening Session, the technical sessions, the General Assembly, Council and Commission rooms, lunches etc.


6.6 Meetings/Reports at Congress

TCPs will not be required to prepare session reports for the Congress, as determined by Council in a previous meeting.

7. Proposals for 2000-2004 Technical Commissions

Proposals for bids for TCs in the 2000-2004 were considered and TCPs were encouraged to seek appropriate TCPs for those Commissions for which there currently are no bids.

8. Next Meeting of Council and Technical Commission Presidents

8.1 Budapest April 2000

The planned schedule is as follows:

4 April: Council arrival
5-6 April: Council meeting in Budapest
6 April: TCPs arrive
7 April: International Seminar by on Council and TCP members in Budapest; depart for Eger in the evening
8-9 April: Joint Meeting of Council and TCPs
10 April: Council Meeting
11 April: Excursion and departure

9. Other Business

A presentation on Turkey's bid for Congress in 2004 was given by Professor Orhan Altan.

J. C. Trinder
October 1999



The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

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