ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 422-433,

Definition of a domain-specific language for Korean building act sentences as an explicit computable form

submitted:June 2016
revised:September 2016
published:November 2016
editor(s):Dimyadi J, Solihin W
authors:Seokyung Park,
Dept. of Interior Architecture Design, Hanyang University;

Yong-Cheol Lee,
Department of Construction Management, Louisiana State University;

Jin-Kook Lee,
Dept. of Interior Architecture Design, Hanyang University;
summary:This paper aims to describe the definition of KBimCode Language and to demonstrate its actual use case. KBimCode is a domain-specific computer language to represent the regulatory sentences in the Korea Building Act as explicit computable rules currently focusing on the building permit-related requirements. As other domain-specific languages are usually in pursuit of both ease-of-use and adequate fidelity to deal with complex domain-specific issues, KBimCode also aims to accomplish a neutral and standardized way of rule-making in an easy-to-use syntax. To address how KBimCode has achieved such objectives, the following main topics are covered in this paper: 1) Language design: features of the Korea Building Act are reflected in a strategy for lexical and syntactic design of KBimcode Language; 2) Language definition: based on the context-free EBNF notation, specifications of KBimCode Language are described; 3) Demonstration: KBimCode can be applied to a BIM assessment tool and executed for rule checking. The examples presented in this paper describe the series of the process. KBimCode is one of the outcomes of an ongoing research project to develop automated design review systems for building permits in Korea.
keywords:Automated building permit system; Automated design assessment; Rule checking; Rule-making; Domain-specific language, KBimCode
full text: (PDF file, 0.791 MB)
citation:Park S, Lee Y-C, J-K (2016). Definition of a domain-specific language for Korean building act sentences as an explicit computable form, ITcon Vol. 21, Special issue CIB W78 2015 Special track on Compliance Checking, pg. 422-433,