Joyce Marter Walking on Stage

Sounds True Resources

Joyce Marter highly recommends these current offerings by fellow Sounds True authors: 

Healing Racialized Trauma: Somatic Abolitionism for Every Body

We live in a society where the white-body is the standard by which all bodies are measured—both philosophically and structurally. As a result, racialized trauma becomes embodied and gets transmitted to later generations as an accepted, standard, and morally acceptable way of being. Through this deeply transformative work, Resmaa Menakem confronts the charge of racism by guiding the way on how to begin to heal this trauma for ourselves and future generations.

WAS $497
NOW ONLY $297 or three payments of $99


The Inner Dimensions of Mastering Money: Align with the Power and Flow of Money in Your Life

Money impacts every area of our lives—our sense of well-being, how we interact with others, and our ability to contribute our gifts. But what if the key to mastering money is less about what we know and more about transforming how we feel about and relate to money? That’s the question our distinguished panel of experts, including Rha Goddess, Judy Wilkins-Smith, Joyce Marter, and Spencer Sherman, will answer during this transformative nine-week online course.

WAS $795
NOW ONLY $495 or four payments of $147


Doorways Into Presence: How To Quiet Your Mind And Live In The Now

An intimate, first-of-its-kind online training with Eckhart Tolle to help you:

  • Accelerate and live the shift from identification with the thinking mind to the freedom and simplicity of Presence
  • Learn 14 easily accessible approaches to build your “Presence Power,” reduce suffering, and reclaim the joy of simply being
  • Actively take part in the collective awakening of human consciousness and the transformation of our world

WAS $497
NOW ONLY $297 or three payments of $99

Reclaiming the Feminine

Reclaiming the Feminine – Embodied Sexuality as Spiritual Practice

In this audio program, sexological bodyworker, trauma educator, and “vaginapractor” Kimberly Johnson examines the power of sexuality as spiritual practice. Reclaiming the Feminine uncovers the connections between cultural oppression and repressed sensuality and shows us how to radically redraw the boundaries of sex to serve our whole selves.


Power of Awareness – A Mindful and Kind Approach to Quieting Your Mind

If you’re feeling the heaviness of the world more acutely these days, you are not alone. Humanity is facing more uncertainty than ever. This is why Jack and Tara, along with two celebrated senior teachers, have evolved the deeply regarded Power of Awareness course—already taken by tens of thousands—to offer new training with a deepened commitment to engaged spirituality, equity, and cultural sensitivity.

WAS $497
NOW ONLY $297 or three payments of $99


The Empath’s Survival Guide Online Course

It’s a tremendous gift to be an empath—but if you haven’t learned to regulate your gifts and set strong boundaries, the energy you absorb from others can lead to depression, anxiety, addiction, and other health concerns. As an empath, Judith Orloff developed many effective strategies to deal with the inherent challenges of exceptional sensitivity that she uses and teaches patients.

For Judith to thrive as a psychiatrist and an empath, she needed these strategies to work or she would experience sensory overload or burnout. She created The Empath’s Survival Guide Online Course as a companion to her book The Empath’s Survival Guide and as a hands-on resource for learning the essential skills you need to become healthy and empowered in a world that is often coarse, heartless, and disdainful of being sensitive.

WAS $197
NOW ONLY $97 or three payments of $33


Power of Awareness – A Mindful and Kind Approach to Quieting Your Mind

Explore mindfulness meditation firsthand with Jon Kabat-Zinn—one of the most respected and experienced teachers in the modern mindfulness movement. For more than 40 years, Jon has been teaching people how to apply the principles and practices of mindfulness in their everyday lives.

Across the span of the course’s eight sessions, Jon will guide you in establishing new ways of being in wise and nurturing relationship to your own life—in the stressful and difficult times, as well as in the pleasant and gratifying moments.

The cultivation of moment-to-moment, nonjudgmental awareness (or mindfulness) can help you befriend every aspect of your life, including those that are most difficult, most painful, and most unwanted. Opening to Our Lives provides an essential set of training skills from a master teacher that will form a friendly and reliable foundation for a lifetime of practice. The invitation is to live the life that is yours to live, in alignment with your deepest principles and values.

WAS $297
NOW ONLY $97 or three payments of $33


Transformation Lab: Stop Feeling Like Sh*t: From Depression to Creative Expression with Amy Scher

Creative people all know what it’s like to be stuck. Stuck energy = stuck projects. If you’re struggling to find your creative expression, join Amy B. Scher in Stop Feeling Like Sh*t to learn a transformational step-by-step approach to unlock your creative expression and shift from depression and other stuck places to a state of creative flow.

With Stop Feeling Like Sh*t, you will learn how to change your creative mindset and set your artistic expression free, explore energy therapy skills to release blocks and support your natural creative flow, and receive guided practices for whenever you feel stuck or overwhelmed.



Power of Awareness – An Online Mindfulness Training to Transform Your Life with Awareness, Compassion, and Well-Being

If you’re feeling the heaviness of the world more acutely these days, you are not alone. Humanity is facing more uncertainty than ever. This is why Jack and Tara, along with two celebrated senior teachers, have evolved the deeply regarded Power of Awareness course—already taken by tens of thousands—to offer new training with a deepened commitment to engaged spirituality, equity, and cultural sensitivity.

This updated learning experience provides you with all of the tools and training you need—21 hours of teachings in total—to develop and, even more importantly, sustain a daily awareness practice using mindfulness meditation.

WAS $497
NOW ONLY $297 or three payments of $99


Trauma and the Embodied Brain

A Heart-Based Training in Relational Neuroscience for Healing Trauma

This professional training taught by Bonnie Badenoch, PhD, LMFT, offers the latest research and neuroscientifically grounded treatment approaches in the area of trauma. Bonnie will provide the theory and clinical tools you need to work more effectively with clients suffering from trauma, and will look at both theoretical and experiential-based learning approaches.



The Freedom to Choose Something Different with Pema Chodron

The Freedom to Choose Something Different with Pema Chödrön: A Self-Paced Online Course on Breaking Free from Our Habitual Patterns. Once we see how we are “hooked,” we begin to realize the potential for transformation in every moment. Join Pema Chödrön as she helps you liberate yourself from patterns of suffering, rise to life’s challenges, and reawaken the limitless freedom that lies within you. With The Freedom to Choose Something Different, Pema offers the spiritual guidance and practical tools to make lasting change, beginning with this very moment.

WAS $197
NOW ONLY $129 or three payments of $45


Shining Bright Without Burning Out with Mara Bishop

In Shining Bright Without Burning Out, Mara Bishop teaches that we have far more ability to keep our energy healthy and sovereign than we may realize. Through meditations, energy practices, and shamanic wisdom, Bishop shows us how to adjust the porousness of our energetic bodies at will, so we can remain both clear and connected. Highlights Include:

  • Learning critical skills for boosting your energetic immune system
  • Prevention, recovery, and in-the-moment techniques for energetic health
  • Shamanic perspectives on interconnection, sovereignty, and spiritual well-being
  • Identifying your energy archetypes—Are you a hummingbird? Bull? Puppy? Sponge?
  • Avoiding spiritual bypassing by claiming your ability to be around difficult people
  • Eight in-depth audio sessions filled with empowering tools, teachings, and skills

An Online Course for Tapping into Your Innate Ability to Heal 

An Online Course for Tapping into Your Innate Ability to Heal 

Evolution has provided us with a way to deal with trauma the moment it happens—yet our cultural training overrides our body’s natural instinct about what to do. The result is that we often store the energy of trauma in the body leading to unexplained physical problems, emotional issues, and psychological blockages.

Course objectives:

  • Assess when trauma may be the cause of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and unexplained pain.
  • Apply nature’s lessons on returning to equilibrium and balance.
  • Describe the concepts of Somatic Experiencing.
  • Demonstrate techniques for preventing trauma.
  • Utilize exercises to release past trauma from the body.
  • Discuss exercises that build resilience for future challenges.

Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT) with Elizabeth Stanley

Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT)® has been tested through rigorous neuroscience and stress physiology research, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and other foundations. Four studies conducted with combat troops preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan showed that troops who received variants of the 8-week MMFT course showed several improvements, including better cognitive performance and a more efficient stress response.

WAS $397


Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chodron

It’s more than likely that you’ve heard of The Tibetan Book of the Dead. But what can this famous religious text tell you about living? Find out more with the guidance of Pema Chödrön. Embracing the Unknown is a new online course devoted to exploring the context and meaning of the Book of the Dead, grasping the bardo of the everyday, and cultivating the courage necessary to face change head on. When you realize that every moment is a “between” moment, you also begin to recognize the immense power available in present-moment awareness.

WAS $227
NOW ONLY $97 or three easy payments of $33


40 Days to Positive Change

Kelly McGonigal has studied the intricacies of behavioral change for years, and she knows that trying to go it alone on even the most minor habit installation is a set-up for frustration and failure.  

No matter the habit you’re trying to add, 40 Days to Positive Change is an innovative program that will provide the aid necessary to completely instill it in your life. You’ll progress through a cumulative sequence of 10- to 15-minute daily lessons and associated exercises for growing and cementing your new behavior. Each session introduces a new practice, pointer, or moment of encouragement meant to gently press you through the steps of habit change and over the finish line to a more fulfilling life.

WAS $147


Body and Mind Are One

Have you ever attended a teaching session or dharma talk, not knowing what to expect—and then found yourself so deeply supported, instructed, and illuminated that it changed you forever? Those of us lucky enough to learn with Thich Nhat Hanh so often say: What a rare and exceptional teacher. This soft-spoken Zen master radiates a sense of freedom and lovingkindness that is a dharma transmission in itself. Yet his clarity of intellect also stands out: Thay, as his students call him, has a way of bringing into sharp focus the most subtle revelations of Buddhism—interbeing, emptiness, samadhi, the seeds of store consciousness, and more—all in a way that just “clicks.”And the practices that he offers are refreshing and unique: simple breathing-based “mantras” that allow us to actually experience many profound concepts immediately and directly, on a felt level.

WAS $247
NOW ONLY $147 or three easy payments of $52


The People’s Inauguration: 10 Days to Activate Revolutionary Love

The story of America is one of continuous labor, and the fight to create a more just and loving society isn’t over. Valarie Kaur, renowned civil rights activist, author, and founder of the Revolutionary Love Project, invites you to The People’s Inauguration—a free, 10-day online journey to help us reckon with all we have lost and point us toward a vision of the society we can build together, grounded in love.

WAS $197



Mindfulness is a basic human quality, a way of learning to pay attention to whatever is happening in your life that allows you a greater sense of connection to your life inwardly and outwardly. ***For more information, you can access the Affiliate Resources Page that contains email copy, images, social media posts and more as well as your unique Affiliate links for this program by clicking “Show 2 Banners” in this window.

WAS $297
NOW ONLY $197 or three easy payments of $69



This program represents both the foundation for personal insight—a toolbox for your own daily health evaluation—and the basis for understanding people and the world we share at the highest possible level. Through this course, you will begin to discover the foundations of your intuitive skill and learn to cooperate with (instead of resist) your intuitive feedback mechanism. You will also develop an intuitive rapport not just with your body, but with your entire life as you work with archetypes, imagery, and symbols—the language of the psyche.

WAS $397
NOW ONLY $297 or 3 monthly payments of $100


Qi Gong for Health and Healing

What do you want to grow in your daily life? Are you looking for more calmness and grounding? More energy and better immune system health? Habits that nourish rather than drag you down? Fewer interruptions in your mood, motivation, and physical wellness? One of the greatest realizations of Lee Holden’s life was that all of this is available to us no matter our age, body type, or level of physical fitness. Through qi gong, the ancient Chinese practice of tapping into and moving our bodies’ innermost energies, you can cultivate true fulfillment, tranquility, and joy. There’s a simple reason why Eastern practices, such as tai chi and qi gong, have exploded in popularity in the West: they work. Lee has devoted himself to qi gong for more than 25 years because I know that this dynamic practice improves physical fitness, promotes calm and equanimity, and puts us back in the driver’s seat of our own health.

WAS $197
NOW ONLY $137 or three easy payments of $47



Includes more than nine hours of immersive video sessions, self-reflection and journaling practices, and two supplementary bonus offerings.

WAS $397
NOW ONLY $197 or 3 monthly payments of $67



Whether you seek health and happiness in your own life or are hoping to be of greater service in the world, your relationship with yourself is always the starting point. Accepting ourselves—especially those parts we find most shameful or frightening—has a positive impact on nearly every experience in our lives.

WAS $297


Your True Calling with Stephen Cope

To know your true calling—your reason for being here—is perhaps the greatest desire within each of us. But how many of us can really say we know our purpose with certainty? Most of us feel at least some level of confusion, anxiety, and even fear around the subject. We’re told to “follow your bliss” or “make a difference,” but we’re never really taught how. What if there were a time-tested guide for discovering and fulfilling your true calling? As it turns out, such a map exists. The Bhagavad Gita—a classic text of yoga wisdom that has inspired generations to live more meaningful lives—offers us an essential guide for finding our calling.In Your True Calling, you’ll learn how to use this powerful map to discover and align with your unique purpose.

WAS $297
NOW ONLY $97 or 3 monthly payments of $35


Insight Meditation with Sharon Salzberg & Joseph Goldstein

A Course on How to Meditate in the Insight Tradition for Inner Peace & Wisdom

Even in the most difficult of times, the Buddha taught that there is a practice to build resilience, find peace, make wise decisions, and live with empathy for everyone on our shared journey … This practice offers us a contemplative path to emotional balance, personal sovereignty, and spiritual freedom. It’s a path that has served millions of people for centuries—and it’s available to all of us. Insight meditation, also known as vipassana, is the traditional art of meditation as it was taught by the Buddha himself, then passed from friend to friend for over 2,600 years. Insight meditation remains popular even today because it works. Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein created this 12-session program to teach anyone, with any level of experience, how to start and continue a meditation practice. We’re confident this course is unlike any other online training available today.

WAS $337
NOW ONLY $137 or three payments of $47


Transformation Lab: How to Stay Grounded in Troubled Times – Karla McLaren

Introducing a new laboratory for personal change—Transformation Labs—immersing you in an intentional and concise video workshop addressing a practical ability you want to learn. Through a learner-centric, experiential approach and progressive lessons to keep you going, you’ll be well on your way to mastery.



Transformation Lab: The Lucid Dreaming Training Course – Andrew Holocek

Introducing a new laboratory for personal change—Transformation Labs—immersing you in an intentional and concise video workshop addressing a practical ability you want to learn. Through a learner-centric, experiential approach and progressive lessons to keep you going, you’ll be well on your way to mastery.




Nonviolent Communication helps you resolve your deepest conflicts within yourself and with others through the power of empathy. There are times when we find ourselves resorting to criticism, insult, and blame when trying to resolve conflicts, which only leaves everyone hurting, angry, or depressed.




Whether it is a friend, a manager at work, someone in your family, an ex-lover, a politician, or perhaps even when it comes to considering yourself, we all have the experience of wondering, “Is that person a narcissist?”

However, do we really understand narcissism, its roots, its different forms and expressions, how it impacts us, and (most importantly) if and how it can be healed? 

It is with the goal of better understanding narcissism that we have created this online summit. We believe that furthering the understanding of narcissism is one of the greatest psychological imperatives of our time and a necessary step if we are to heal the divisiveness of our time.

So what is narcissism, really? Does it exist on a spectrum? Is it a disease? Is there a cure? What do you do when you think there’s a narcissist in your life? What is the relationship of narcissism to the spiritual journey? How do you know if you’re a narcissist yourself?

This summit was created to help shed light on these very important questions and to clarify steps we can take to bring more compassion, skill, and wisdom into the conversation.



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