Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
Dissolved Oxygen in Rainwater and Its Relation to the Raincloud Structure (II). Precipitation from April to September
M. Komabayasi
Author information

1959 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 35-41


Dissolved oxygen content in rainwater has been measured in Tokyo by means of the Winklar's titration method since September 1957. The data obtained for the period of the winter-half season have been reported in the previous paper (I). In the present article (II), the data for the summer-half season from April to September are reported.
Rains of thunderstorm have been found to be unsaturated with oxygen to a greater extent than other rains. This fact seems to suggest that ice phase predominates in thundercloud more appreciably than in other rainclouds. In this respect, rains o: Typhoon rain-band also are found to have a similar nature.
The chloride content in rainwater was found to be larger in the rains of the first type of which the oxygen content seemed to be the saturation at the temperature and pressure in the cloud than in the rains of the second type of which oxygen content seemed to be appreciably less than the saturation in the cloud. This suggests that the rains of the first type tend to occur in a maritime airmass which contains larger amount of salt particles.

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