Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
Atmospheric and Oceanic Heat Export in the Tropical Pacific
Stefan Hastenrath
Author information

1977 Volume 55 Issue 5 Pages 494-497

A partitioning of heat export by the oceanic water body vs. the atmospheric column is presented for the tropical Pacific, on the basis of satellite-derived net radiation at the top of the atmosphere and calculations of the oceanic heat budget. For individual Marsden squares, the divergence of heat transport within the oceanic water body ranges from+169 (export) to-191 (import) percent of the net radiative input to the system at the top of the atmosphere. Heat export within the ocean is particularly important in the band of cold water immediately to the South of the Equator.
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