About Cambridge Islamic Centre
Masjid Al-Ikhlas and Cambridge Islamic centre was bought in October 2008 when Cambridge Muslim Trust purchased a church for sale. It was a single level building; simple wudu and kitchen facilities as well as a wooden separation were installed separating the men and women section.
Alhamdulillah, The Masjid has been running since 2009, the masjid actively aims to be part of the Muslim fabric. Apart from prayer facilities, we aim to meet the needs of the Muslim community and in particular the young, the many Muslim Students (both home and foreign) who need pastoral support and a safe Halal Social Space to meet and socialise in. The youth and In particular the overseas Students who suffer from culture differences and loneliness, They need support to help them navigate their way as they
constantly adjust to fit in and be relevant. This key support is vital in the school and university context as pier pressure and the pull to fit in keeps eroding core Islamic, Cultural and moral values.
We aim to build a fit for purpose building by adding 2 extra levels, one basement and 2 above, as during Friday prayer and Taraweeh, there is not enough space for Brother and sisters, so a larger area for sisters is required. The prayer capacity will Insh’Allah Double.
One level will be for sport, social activities, Quran and after School classes and other activities of the community; A drop in centre. The new building will have a large Wudhu area with space for washing bodies for Janazah
Cambridge Islamic Centre Registered charity number 1125964