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The Walking With Giants Foundation helps to enrich the lives of individuals and families affected by Microcephalic Primordial Dwarfism. Individuals affected by MPD are classed as the smallest people in the world and face barriers in everything they do. Please visit our website for more Info:
Walking With Giants Foundation Registered charity number 1123246
"collection made at Liverpool comic con by the 99th Garrison team"
99th garrison donated
£1,740.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Donation in memory of Gerald "Ged" McGreavey sorry missed the collection box at his funeral. Mary, Colin & Sandra (Donaghy)"
Anonymous donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"Monies raised from HMRC Staff "
Carolyn Newall donated
£100.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Just a little share of my BB win xx"
Dee Kearns donated
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
"Hi, we need a diploma or certification with the name of the department that pays. The department is "Explotació de Montserrat - Ferrocarrils de la Generalita"
DIPLOMA donated
"collect made at Liverpool comic con by the 99th Garrison team "
99th Garrision donated
£2,700.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Joe Saunders has raised HK$14,661.13 so far
I'm I am shaving my head to raise money for WWG! for Joe Saunders because
Lesley - Anne Bull has raised HK$10,978.91 so far
I'm Spinning With Giants for Lesley - Anne Bull because the charity needs our support!
Lynz Cheeseman has raised HK$1,142.60 so far
I'm I will be walking and running 100km in August for Lynz Cheeseman because We've been without vital funds raised this year.