KAMA FlexFold im Einsatzt
Bildcollage von Anwendungsbeispielen und Maschinendetails
Bildcollage von Anwendungsbeispielen und Maschinendetails

Engin­eering your success: pack­aging, commer­cial printing, finishing

With more than 750 install­a­tions in 80 coun­tries the innov­ative KAMA machines "made in Germany" are in demand around the world.

KAMA combines versatility & efficiency

For added value in post-press and finishing

In post-press, every sheet is a winner: in terms of shape, glossi- and uniqueness. At KAMA, we develop innovative solutions that make your finishing processes as flexible and efficient as possible, so that you can also process your short and medium runs cost-effectively and profitably and achieve high added value.
