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Despite the fact that, according to Mr. Janeček, the 4th generation iPod touch will definitely have a rear camera, which he refers to how the iPhone 4 shoots videos, it turns out according to experts from iFixit that it is not possible!

  • iPhone 4 (rear) camera – 6,5mm
  • iPhone 4 (front) camera – 2,5mm
  • iPod touch 3rd generation – 6,5mm

According to experts from world servers, sources from Apple, merchants and repairmen, the iPod touch will not have the same camera as the iPhone 4 and will at most receive a different camera with a lower quality, or only the front camera for FaceTime. It is very illogical and for Apple it would be the first time that he increases the thickness of the next generation of his product!


On the left iPod touch 3rd generation - On the right iPhone 4 camera 5 Mpix.

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