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Easter will be here in a few days and somehow by chance I remembered the time exactly 20 years ago. As part of the beginnings of doing business in Czechoslovakia, I went to Munich in Bavaria and on the way visited the city of Cham and a local seller of computer technology. We have known each other since 1989, when he was a major supplier of Atari ST and Amiga computers to the Czech Republic. From this visit, I also took away the then new product brochure Apple MacintoshFor the younger ones, I would like to mention that there was no internet and brochures were a great rarity.


Since I had been using an Atari 3 ST computer for 520 years for both private and work use, and then an Atari 1040 STE, it was not strange that I was looking for Macintoshi. In addition, the Apple system emulator Alladin worked great on the ST (you could say it worked almost natively on the Atari SM124 monochrome monitor, including printing on the Epson LQ-550, since the Motorola 68000 processor was in both the Atari and the first Applech). I was completely captivated by the then-current System 6. So it was no wonder that I avoided DOS and Microsoft Wordu or DBase in text mode on the screen as best I could. In short, I went to the original Apple Macintosh and I ordered a computer with a printer. Brochure for Apple You can download Classic II here.


Apple Classic II



StyleWriter (refitted Canon BubbleJet 10e on car(Bridge BC-01/02)



I've stayed true to the system ever since Apple until today. At the same time, I have been using the DOS system since 1992, and now Windows, but I can see best on my two school-aged children which system suits them better - they have a choice. They don't like to turn on Windows and prefers always to Apple. Exactly 14 days ago when I bought iPad 2 I wondered to myself how many others in the queue had similar memories to mine (or rather, waiting parents). Share your beginnings with Apple!

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