You like ads for the company's products Apple? And do you like the current ones more, or rather the ones from the past? Which one is your favorite? And vice versa - which one would you absolutely not mind if you never had to see it again in your life? The question of success or failure of ads is highly subjective, but the Cult of Mac website nevertheless tried to compile a ranking of those with Apple he didn't score much. Let's remember them
10. Switch - Ellen Feiss
She launched the company at the beginning of the new millennium Apple advertising campaign called Switch to the world. Each ad featured — at least according to Apple — “real people” who had switched to Macs. But some of the spots weren't very successful -- like the one featuring Ellen Feiss, a "student who switched to a Mac." A tired-looking girl describes in an unnatural way what problems she had when writing her works on a classic PC. After the commercial aired, there was a wave of criticism, jokes, parodies and speculation about what drugs Ellen might have been on at the time of filming.
9. Power Macintosh - Serious Computer
In the mid-1990s, she had no company Apple your ads just "picked up" twice. In an attempt to compete with the reigning Microsoft at the time, the Cupertino company published, among other things, several ads for the Power Macintosh, highlighting its compatibility with Windows. But the ads were found to be unnatural, too pushy. What do you think?
8. The Power
Among other campaigns that the company Apple has launched in the past, including the one called "Power To Be Your Best". From a series of several advertisements, one stands out in particular, which was supposed to be a kind of flagship of the entire campaign. Rather than promoting specific apple products, it resembles a motivational video. A montage of natural phenomena, athletes or musicians ends with a triumphant click of a finger on the mouse.
7. Who is Newton
The spot called "Who is Newton" is special. Really strange. From the very strange man in a wig at the beginning, to a guardian angel with giant white wings, to another strange, Freudian-looking elderly gentleman sitting in a chair and clutching his… Newton tightly in his hands. Judge for yourself.
6. Apple II – Fruit
The commercial called "Fruit" is one of the oldest and was intended to promote the computer Apple II. But for thirty seconds, the computer does not appear on the screen at all. In short, fruit is just rolling on the table with a strange soundtrack - and that's all. Would this spot inspire you to buy a new computer?
5. PowerMac G4 – Super Computer Espionage
The PowerMac G4 ad with the title Super Computer Espionage literally exudes Apple's effort to become the extremely cool brand again. At the time the ad was aired - the beginning of the new millennium - its theme may have been cool, but from today's point of view, it's nothing that would make our jaws drop.
4. Future - Aliens
The "Future" spot was one of a series of long, heavy commercials aimed at promoting the then-new Power Macintosh—the computer of the future. The problem was that viewers didn't see much of the Macintosh itself in the spots - instead, they did Apple served up abstract scenes and old sci-fi clips.
3. Future – Robots
Another in a series of ads would spot called "Robots". It's not as abstract as the previous Aliens, and all the robots we see in the ad are actually pretty cool, but... did you know it's an ad for a computer?
2. Lemmings
The "Lemmings" spot came out one year after the overwhelming success of the Orwellian "1984" "Super Bowl" ad. His ambitions were undoubtedly great, but the whole concept, revolving around the phenomenon of lemmings, failed. The public did not find an ad featuring mass suicide to be attractive.
1. Future – Highway
Expressway. The highway of the future. Motorway without speed limit. In short, you can't go on such a highway without the fastest machine in the world, which is none other than Apple's Power Macintosh. Would a "highway" ad tempt you to buy it?
We have presented you with the ten least successful apple ads according to Cult of Mac. Which ads do you think should never see the light of day?