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Errors are not something entirely unique in the iOS operating system. However, it rarely happens Apple he doesn't have months, let alone years, to fix them. However, there is one such bug in the operating system for iPhones. It cannot be described as serious, but it would deserve to be repaired. 

If you own an iPhone with Face ID, you may encounter an invisible keyboard error starting with iOS 11. This can be activated if the user has an alphanumeric code set on their phone and Face ID is activated. Once this is used to quickly unlock the phone, and the user immediately "swipes" up to open the home screen after facial verification, they are often able to "type" on the invisible keyboard at the bottom of the display. Of course, the written text is not displayed anywhere, however, the letters that the user touches are highlighted on the display, just like when typing on a classic visible keyboard. 

Ghost Keyboard Bug on FACEID devices (iOS 12-current) from r/iphone

The specific setting of the phone to cause the error is probably also the reason why it eats Apple he hasn't paid attention to it yet and hasn't fixed it. On the other hand, due to its existence for several years (iOS 11 released Apple in September 2017, iPhone X with iOS 11 then in November 2017) would definitely deserve to be fixed - all the more so when, according to available user information, it manages to be triggered quite regularly, even on the latest iOS 13.4 betas. Unfortunately, we in the editorial office were not successful in testing. 


If the problem plagues you too, the easiest way to eliminate it is not to use an alphanumeric code, but a four- or six-digit number. The absolute best solution is to let Apple know about the problem, ideally as many people as possible. You can contact him via this web form, which is currently in use to report errors. 

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