When Apple introduced chips about two years ago Apple Silicon, the jaws of most apple fans simply dropped. A few months later, the presentation of the first Apple computers with these chips, which proved to be very powerful, but also economical, aroused even greater enthusiasm. Apple stated that he wants to offer within two years of the show Apple Silicon in all its computers - and quite possibly they will really keep their word. Currently, to complete the transition, all you have to do is introduce the new Mac Pro, which is the only one that currently still offers Intel processors. Let's take a look at 5 things you should know about the Mac Pro (2022) together in this article.
New design
The current Mac Pro is completely iconic and will be recognized by almost everyone at first glance - the main distinguishing features include the aluminum body with the so-called "grater" texture. In terms of size, the current Mac Pro is as big as classic desktop computers, so it is neither a giant nor a small one. However, with the arrival of the new Mac Pro, there should be a drastic reduction of the whole body. According to available information, the upcoming Mac Pro should be similar in size to the then Power Mac G4 Cube, and in terms of design, it should naturally fit in with other Apple computers.
Extra powerful chip
When Apple introduced the 14″ and 16″ MacBook Pro (2021) with M1 Pro and M1 Max chips a few months ago, most of us thought that already Apple cannot raise the bar. However, the opposite turned out to be true, for the first time this year Apple conference, when the M1 Ultra chip was introduced, together with Mac Studio. The M1 Ultra chip could be created by combining two M1 Max chips and you can configure it with up to 20 CPU cores and 64 GPU cores. It's clear that the Mac Pro will have to offer something more powerful - but the question remains how it will achieve this. Will Apple manage to combine even more chips, or will they use more on one motherboard? Hard to say. However, the chip in the upcoming Mac Pro is expected to have up to a 40-core CPU and 128-core GPU, which is equivalent to a dual-chip M1 Ultra, meaning four M1 Max chips combined together.
Completion of the Mac product line
As you surely know, it currently offers Apple in the Mac product line, three products in total, namely Mac mini, Mac Studio and Mac Pro. The last-mentioned Apple computer is the last piece of the puzzle, on two fronts. In addition to introducing the Mac Pro with Apple Silicon will complete the Mac product line, so will this one Apple will completely complete the transition from Intel processors to chips Apple Silicon. For Apple Even die-hard Apple fans will see the day of the introduction of the new Mac Pro as a kind of holiday, as what the Californian giant has been working on for years will finally be completed. Anyway, it is necessary to mention that once the transition is complete, it will begin Apple slowly considering ending the Rosetta 2 code translator, which makes it possible to run Intel applications on Macs with Apple Silicone.
This is what the future Mac Pro could look like:
Less editing options
The Mac Pro is currently known for being one of the few computers from Apple that offers relatively rich customization options. You can easily replace or upgrade the operating memory of the Mac Pro, there is the possibility of adding additional storage or additional cards, or you can even access the processor. For chips Apple Silicon is the "problem" in that it is an SoC, which means that within a single chip there is a CPU, GPU, RAM and other components that cannot be replaced in any way. So, in terms of customization, the upcoming Mac Pro is expected to be worse than the current one. If only it would Apple has come up with some revolutionary way for users to tinker with their future Mac Pros.
Performance date
It has been rumored for a long time that the future Mac Pro s Apple We won't see Silicon until 2023. But the truth is that the introduction of this ultimate machine is actually quite possibly closer than we all think. At this year's first Apple conference, where the Mac Studio was launched, one of the company's representatives Apple he said it's not a Mac Pro replacement. After this information, he added that the future Mac Pro, which will be even more powerful, will soon be available. Of course, the word "soon" has a different meaning for each individual, but more and more people agree that we will see the new Mac Pro already at WWDC22, which starts on June 6. It also makes sense for the reason that he stated two years ago, at WWDC20 Apple, that he wants to switch from Intel to Apple Silicon to reach within two years. Therefore, if there was no presentation of the Mac Pro at WWDC22, it would mean missing that deadline.