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When iOS 16 will be released, you have been asking us more and more often in the last hours and days. Fortunately, the answer to this question is already quite simple - according to Apple's press release, it will happen next week, i.e. sometime between January 23 and 27, with the fact that Friday and Thursday can already be more or less ruled out with 100% certainty. On the contrary, with regard to the release of updates in recent months, Monday or Tuesday seems the most likely, because these days Apple is using it more and more – perhaps because the release of the OS earlier in the week potentially gives it more time to fix bugs it missed in the betas. 


When will iOS 16.3 be released

The answer to the question of what time iOS 16.3 and other new Apple OS will be released is extremely simple in a way. The Californian giant has not changed the times of releasing its updates in any way for many years, so we can say with 99,9% certainty that it will happen at 19:00 our time. We then keep one tenth of a percent in reserve in case there are any complications on Apple's side, for example on its servers, which would delay the publication of updates. In that case, they don't look back at any times, but try to "just" make the update available as soon as possible after 19 p.m. However, given that iOS 16 and other new versions of the OS are highly anticipated, it is likely that the technical preparation of the servers took Apple this time too it matters a lot and he should avoid problems that way.

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