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Some fans of Netflix using to watch it Apple TV viewers will most likely purchase a new model of an apple smart TV box, or get used to a different type of viewing of this service. Netflix has started sending emails to its subscribers informing them that they will end support completely on July 31, 2024 Apple 2nd and 3rd generation TVs, so one of the newer models will be needed for viewing. However, there is nothing to be surprised about. 

Apple TV 2 gen

Apple The 2nd and 3rd generation TVs are not powered by the classic tvOS as we know it now, but a customized version of iOS, which lacks, for example, the App Store and therefore support for third-party applications. Apple pickers who through these Apple TVs are currently watching Netflix, so they cannot rely on an app downloaded from the tvOS App Store, but on AirPlay, or the service Apple Home Sharing which on these Apple TV is on. Compared to the classic application, however, this is an incomparably worse solution, which Netflix itself is very well aware of, which has now decided to blow the whistle on it. It contains the words about "trying to maintain the best possible Netflix viewing experience". So if you own Apple 2nd or 3rd generation TV, if you want to continue to watch Netflix through it, you should slowly start looking at upgrading. 

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