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It might seem that rich celebrities - whether from the world of music, film or even sports - will get their little one everything they want. Especially in the case of the iPhone, there is seemingly nothing to discuss. iPhones are generally considered to be very high quality phones, and Apple the products are owned by a number of celebrities. Not every famous parent follows this path, however. The world-famous soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo, for example, revealed that his fourteen-year-old son will have to wait some time for an Apple smartphone.

Ronaldo revealed in one of the interviews that he would not buy his son an iPhone (yet). "To be honest, I'm not going to buy my son an iPhone," stated Cristiano Ronaldo is not only one of the most famous football players of today, but he is also one of the most followed celebrities on social networks - including Instagram. "I'm the most followed athlete on Instagram and fans often ask me why I don't allow Junior to be active on social media," stated Ronaldo, revealing that his son actually secretly started his own Instagram account at the age of twelve.

"He got one million followers in one day," revealed Ronaldo. Once assured, in his own words, he forced his son to immediately cancel his Instagram account. Even at 14, Ronaldo's son still doesn't have his own Apple smartphone. “I made this decision because I want him to understand the true value of hard work. He's driven to train hard and it's a shame that he drinks a lot of soda and eats a lot of fries instead of eating healthy. If I gave him an iPhone, it would be harder for him to reach his full potential. I don't want him to become dependent on technology,” concludes the famous footballer.

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