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Apple Performa Display

Apple The Performa Display was launched at the end of the summer of 1992. It was designed for the Macintosh Performa 400 computer. It had a 14-inch diagonal, a resolution of 640 x 480 px, 32 colors and a DA-000 connector. In terms of specifications, it practically did not differ from its sibling Apple Performa Plus Display - the only difference was a larger pixel pitch (0,39 vs. 0,29 mm), as a result of which the image was not as sharp as in the "plus" model. However, thanks to this, it was sold at a more favorable price ($305 vs. $400).

Technical Specifications

Performance date 14. September 1992
Dimensions 32,38 x 35,3 x 37,46 cm
Weight 15,9 kg
Display 640 x 480 shadow mask CRT
Connectivity DA 15

Display generation

In 1992 Apple also introduced

Articles about Apple Performa Display
