The MacBook Pro (14-inch model from 2021) was launched in October 2021. It received a 14,2-inch Liquid Retina XDR display with a refresh rate of up to 120 Hz and a maximum brightness of 1600 nits, a chipset Apple M1 Pro or M1 Max, 16 GB of RAM, 512 GB or 1 TB SSD, Touch ID fingerprint reader (integrated into the power button), six speakers (four woofers and two tweeters), three studio-quality microphones and a FaceTime webcam. From its predecessor (a 13-inch model from 2020 with four or two Thunderbolt ports), in addition to a better display, a significantly more powerful processor and a more advanced internal architecture, or a significantly better battery life (11-17 hours vs. 10 hours), it also differs in that on impulse of fans "put back into play" the HDMI and MagSafe ports and the memory card reader. On the contrary, we do not find the Touch Bar here, which replaced the traditional function keys.
Technical Specifications
Performance date | October 18, 2021 | |
Capacity | SSD with a capacity of 512 GB or 1 TB | |
RAM | 16 GB | |
Dimensions | 1,55 x 31,26 x 22,12 cm | |
Weight | 1,6 kg | |
Display | 14,2-inch Liquid Retina XDR display with mini LED technology and 3024 x 1964 resolution | |
Chip | Apple M1 Pro, M1 Max | |
Connectivity | Three Thunderbolt ports (USB-C), HDMI, MagSafe, 3,5mm jack | |
Battery | 70Wh Li-Pol with a battery life of 11-17 hours |