The MacBook Pro (16-inch 2019 model) was launched in November 2019. It was a revision of the 15-inch model of the 4th generation MacBook Pro. Compared to it, it got a higher resolution display, thinner frames or a Magic Keyboard with a redesigned scissor mechanism. Otherwise, it had a screen with Retina and True Tone technology, an Intel Core i7 (9750H) processor with a frequency of 2,6 GHz and a Core i9 (9880H/9980HK) with a clock speed of 2,4 GHz, 16 GB of operating memory, an SSD with a capacity of 512 GB or 1 TB, Intel UHD Graphics 630 GPU with Radeon Pro 5300M (Core i7 variant and Core i2,4 variant with 9GHz processor) and Intel UHD Graphics 630 with Radeon Pro 5500M, Touch Bar (with separate Esc key and separate Touch sensor ID) and FaceTime webcam.
Technical Specifications
Performance date | 13. November 2019 | |
Capacity | 512GB SSD (Core i7 variant), 512 GB/1 TB (2,4GHz Core i9 variant), 1 TB (2,3GHz Core i9 variant) | |
RAM | 16 GB | |
Dimensions | 1,62 x 35,79 x 24,59 cm | |
Weight | 2 kg | |
Display | 16-inch wide-angle lPS LED with 3072 x 1920 resolution | |
Chip | Intel Core i7, Core i9 (Coffee Lake) | |
Connectivity | four USB ports, four Thunderbolt ports (USB-C), 3,5 mm jack | |
Battery | 100Wh Li-Pol with 11 hours of battery life |