The first step in scenario planning is to define the scope and purpose of your exercise. You need to decide what aspects of your agribusiness you want to focus on, what time horizon you want to consider, and what objectives you want to achieve. For example, you may want to explore how different scenarios affect your crop yields, your market share, your cash flow, or your sustainability goals. Next, you need to identify the key uncertainties and drivers of change that affect your agribusiness. These are the factors that create the most variability and unpredictability in your situation, and that you have little or no control over. For example, these may include weather patterns, consumer demand, trade agreements, or innovation trends. You can use various sources of information, such as data, reports, experts, or stakeholders, to gather insights and evidence about these factors. Then, you need to select the most critical and uncertain factors, and use them to create a set of scenarios. A common method is to use a matrix with two axes, each representing one factor, and plot four scenarios based on the combinations of high and low values of these factors. For example, you may use climate change and consumer preferences as your axes, and create four scenarios based on high or low climate change impact and high or low consumer demand for organic products. You can then name and describe each scenario in detail, using narratives, images, or diagrams, to make them vivid and realistic.