Interactivity and feedback are essential elements of effective e-learning modules. They help your audience stay engaged, motivated, and focused, as well as check their understanding and progress. Interactivity refers to the ways your audience can interact with the content, the instructor, or other learners. For example, you can use quizzes, polls, drag and drop, fill in the blanks, or other interactive elements to test your audience's knowledge and skills. You can also use discussion forums, chats, webinars, or social media to facilitate communication and collaboration among your audience and the instructor. Feedback refers to the ways your audience can receive information and guidance on their performance and learning outcomes. For example, you can use automated feedback, such as scores, badges, or certificates, to reward your audience and show their achievements. You can also use personalized feedback, such as comments, suggestions, or tips, to provide your audience with specific and constructive feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement.