The sixth and final step to improve your search engine query performance is to learn from the feedback that you receive from the search engine and the results. Feedback can be explicit or implicit, positive or negative, and direct or indirect. Explicit feedback is the feedback that you explicitly provide to the search engine, such as ratings, reviews, comments, or suggestions. Implicit feedback is the feedback that the search engine implicitly collects from your behavior, such as clicks, scrolls, time, or queries. Positive feedback is the feedback that indicates that you are satisfied or happy with the results, such as likes, shares, bookmarks, or purchases. Negative feedback is the feedback that indicates that you are dissatisfied or unhappy with the results, such as dislikes, bounces, complaints, or refunds. Direct feedback is the feedback that directly affects the search engine or the results, such as rankings, ratings, or corrections. Indirect feedback is the feedback that indirectly affects the search engine or the results, such as social media, word-of-mouth, or trends.