Troubleshooting data errors in a Modbus industrial network can be difficult, but with the right tools and techniques, they can be identified and resolved. When attempting to diagnose these issues, it is important to check the data format and type of the devices, making sure they use the same data format and type for the data values, such as binary, decimal, hexadecimal or floating point. Additionally, verify that the devices use the same byte order and word order for the data values, like big-endian or little-endian, and high word or low word. It is also important to check the data scaling and range of the devices, making sure they use the same scaling and range for the data values, such as engineering units, raw counts or percentage, as well as compatible data ranges for the data values, such as 0-10 V, 4-20 mA or 0-65535. Furthermore, make sure that the devices use the same data mapping and address for the data values like Modbus registers, coils or discrete inputs. Lastly, verify that the devices have correct and consistent data addresses for the data values such as 40001, 00001 or 10001. Lastly, make sure that they use the same data synchronization and update method for the data values like polling, event-driven or time-based; also verifying that they have adequate and regular data update intervals for the data values like every second, every minute or every hour. By following these tips you can improve your Modbus network’s performance and reliability.