To use the BMC for innovation, you need to begin by focusing on the value proposition and customer segment. These are fundamental elements of your business model that define what value is offered to whom. You can use tools like the Value Proposition Canvas or the Empathy Map to refine your understanding of customer needs, pains, and gains, as well as how your product or service addresses them. Additionally, you should consider how you will deliver, communicate, and capture value from customers, as well as what resources, activities, and partners are needed. Tools such as the Lean Canvas or the SWOT Analysis can be used to identify assumptions and risks, and prioritize the most critical ones. After that, experiments should be designed and run in order to validate or invalidate hypotheses about the business model. The Experiment Canvas or the Validation Board can be used to plan and track experiments while measuring progress and learning. Finally, analyze data and feedback from experiments to update or change your business model. The Pivot Canvas or the Business Model Sandbox can help explore different scenarios and options to decide on the best course of action.